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The child wakes up in the middle of the night, crying and afraid: what to do?

The child wakes up in the middle of the night, crying and afraid: what to do? Your sweet dream is interrupted by sobs from the nursery — the child has woken up, is scared, is sitting on the bed and cr...


How to wean a child to sleep with his parents

How to wean a child to sleep with his parents A baby peacefully snoring near mom is a picture that cannot but cause a tender smile. A three—year-old kid who crawls under his parents' blanket in the mo...


Conflicts in playgrounds: how should parents behave so that everyone stays alive

Conflicts in playgrounds: how should parents behave so that everyone stays alive A playground is a separate ecosystem that is subject to both generally accepted and unspoken rules of existence. As in ...


The child is swearing: what to do and how to wean

The child is swearing: what to do and how to wean If you notice that obscene words slip through the child's speech, it's time to pay attention to the problem of profanity. It occurs at different age p...


Second marriage: how can a child find a common language with a stepfather or stepmother

Second marriage: how can a child find a common language with a stepfather or stepmother The second marriage of mom or dad is an extremely exciting event for a child. Children do not choose new spouses...


What to do with a child at home up to 6 years old: 15 interesting ideas

What to do with a child at home up to 6 years old: 15 interesting ideas The coronavirus has brought significant changes to our lives. Including the lives of our children. During the quarantine period,...


Is it possible to yell at a child

Is it possible to yell at a child Children sometimes behave badly — this is a fact. Parents react to this in different ways: some patiently call for order, others break down and shout. There is an opi...


How not to raise a mother's son

How not to raise a mother's son One of the popular topics on women's forums is infantile men, who are called mama's sons. This is a special subspecies that normal women try to stay away from. And if t...


A child bites his nails: why he does it and how to deal with it

A child bites his nails: why he does it and how to deal with it The proverb Consuetudo est altera natura translated from Latin sounds like this: "Habit is second nature." There are good habits that ad...


How to raise a genius: 10 tips for parents

How to raise a genius: 10 tips for parents Gifted children are our future. It is they who are destined to change the world for the better, create new formats and technologies, be pioneers and lights o...