A child bites his nails: why he does it and how to deal with it

A child bites his nails: why he does it and how to deal with it - Problems, Behavior, Psychology

The proverb Consuetudo est altera natura translated from Latin sounds like this: "Habit is second nature." There are good habits that adorn the personality. And there are bad ones. They leave a negative imprint on a person. Biting your nails is one of the worst habits. You need to get rid of it, and the sooner the better. Especially if we are talking about a child who is not yet fully aware of the disastrous consequences of these actions. 

Let's figure out why children bite their nails and how to deal with it. 5 facts about the nail biting habit

Everyone bites their nails — both adults and children.

  1. But if among adults this habit occurs in no more than 15%, then among young children this indicator is twice as high — 30%, and among teenagers even more — 45%.
  2. Periodically, 50% of teenagers from 12 to 18 years old bite their nails.
  3. As a child, both boys and girls bite their nails. But after 10 years, this habit is more common in boys.
  4. Most people get rid of this habit only by the age of 30.
  5. In Germany, the habit of biting nails is considered as a symptom of serious psychological problems, so people who do this are recommended to visit a psychologist. 

Why does a child bite his nailsOne of the most common causes is stress.

Moreover, the one that is caused by internal experiences, and not by events from the outside world. Parents restrict children in everything, demand good behavior and diligent study, friends can not always provide support… This is how autoaggression develops, which has different forms, including the desire to take revenge on parents, to annoy them. 

Autoaggression can also be directed at oneself. If a child is constantly told that he is a bad, stupid, slob, then he will confirm this by bad behavior.

If you ignore it, it will begin to attract the attention of relatives in the simplest way: to anger, annoy, embarrass and even shock. The habit of biting nails fits into this concept: "Mom bites me for grades, and I will bite myself so that she feels sorry for me."Also read: How to wean a child to sleep with his parentsBut autoaggression is not the only reason why a child bites his nails.

There are others.— Tension, thoughtfulness, the need to make a choice. 

In France, a survey of high school students was conducted and found out why they bite their nails.

26.5% of respondents said that they do it in a situation when they need to think about a difficult task. About the same proportion of children bite their nails because of the need to make a decision in a tense situation, to make a difficult choice.

— Unrealized desires. Repressed sexual energy in adolescents requires sublimation.

There is a neo-Freudian theory according to which the habit of biting nails is considered an analogue of masturbation. That is, if a teenager cannot satisfy sexual desire here and now, he starts biting his nails. 

— Adaptation to new conditions. This reason is more common in young children, preschoolers.

If a child has started biting his nails, try to remember how his life has changed recently. Perhaps you moved to another housing, divorced your husband, the child started attending kindergarten. All large-scale changes are stressful and have a number of consequences. One of them is the habit of biting your nails.Do you want to understand all the true needs of a child to help him develop without stress? Then register - at Dmitry Karpachev's transplant-free online master class "What every parent should know". Why biting your nails is harmful

The child bites his nails

To begin with, the gnawed nail plate looks ugly.

But these are small things. Let's pay attention to the harm to the gastrointestinal tract: dirt and pathogenic flora gather under the nails. Getting into the stomach, it provokes disorders and poisoning. 

There may also be a helminthic invasion. Unwashed vegetables and fruits, raw fish and meat are breeding grounds for parasite eggs. It is enough to hold some of these products in your hand for a short time, and then bite your nails - hello, worms. 

Microcracks in the nail plate are an ideal environment for the reproduction of the fungus. And if the infection is not eliminated in time, then you can say goodbye to the nail altogether. 

The periarticular region also suffers: inflammation, suppuration, and swelling appear. Deformation of the nail bed leads to a change in the direction of nail growth. They literally cut into the surrounding tissues, and it is very difficult to fix this problem.

Well, do not forget about the social aspect. A child who puts his nails in his mouth looks extremely unattractive. Others may shun him, condemn him. 

Learn how to talk to your child correctly so that he listens to you and follows the recommendations - at Dmitry Karpachev's free online master class "What every parent should know".Right now, click on the "Register" button and get a gift.

Canadian Research 


Scientists have tested people biting their nails.

They were grouped into group No. 1, and also gathered group No. 2 from those to whom this habit is alien. Both groups were tested:they showed videos and pictures with different subjects — an airplane crash, sea surf, interior items;

  • they were given to solve puzzles with a trick.
  • People from group No. 1 had the same reaction to all the tests — biting their nails.

Even when contemplating pictures with a calm plot. So it was found out that the desire to bite nails arose regardless of what state the person was in — relaxed, excited, scared, etc.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the essence of this bad habit is nothing more than a desire to master the situation. During stress — the desire to calm down. In a quiet environment — entertain yourself. In a situation of choice — an incentive to make the right decision.

wean a child from biting his nails

How to wean a child from biting his nails: 7 tipsIf stress has become the trigger for the emergence of this bad habit, you need to find and eliminate its cause.

And then follow our advice.

  1. Engage in creating a healthy psychological atmosphere around the child. Her criteria are: calm and trusting communication, a positive atmosphere in the family (no swearing between adults), interesting leisure and no pressure for school performance. 
  2. Buy a beautiful hair band or a bracelet with an elastic band and teach the child to click on his hand every time he pulls his nails to his mouth. This method will help to take control of a bad habit, and will also allow you to record how many times a day and in what situations the child felt the desire to bite his nails. 
  3. Kids can be given a toy-a rodent, a carrot or a hard apple — any safe object that can be gnawed instead of nails.
  4. In 2-3 years, when the child is already able to draw conclusions, discuss his habit of biting his nails. Ask questions: "Why are you doing this?", "What should I do to make you stop?", etc. Repeat them every time you see that the child pulls his fingers into his mouth. Most likely, the answers will be blurry, because children do not fully understand the essence of this lesson. But such conversations will help focus attention on the problem.
  5. Make a plan of goals and results. Record every day when your child was able to resist the desire to bite his nails. Constantly praise him for this, remind him how good he is and how proud you are of him. Encourage his struggle over addictions, build self-confidence. 
  6. The cardinal method, when nothing helps, is to create a physical barrier between teeth and nails. Use thin gloves, bitter-tasting varnish, adhesive plaster for this. But first explain why you are doing this.
  7. Teenagers will have enough motivation: "Masha, as soon as you stop biting your nails, we will give you a beautiful manicure." 


There is one anecdote in the subject. Parents showed the children the statue of Venus de Milo and commented: "That's what happens if you bite your nails." 

But you don't have to do that! In the fight against this bad habit, do not overdo it, do not intimidate the child and do not inflame emotions. Your sound approach to the problem will help solve it much faster. October 20, 2020 2022-11-27 2020-10-20 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article?

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