How to raise a genius: 10 tips for parents

How to raise a genius: 10 tips for parents - Development Norms, Education, Skills Development

Gifted children are our future. It is they who are destined to change the world for the better, create new formats and technologies, be pioneers and lights of science. To raise a child prodigy or just a smart child, you need to know how to do it right.

In our article we will touch on the topic of genius: what gives rise to it — nature or upbringing — and also give advice on how to grow a genius from the cradle. Intelligence or education

Previously, it was believed that high intelligence is an innate feature, a kind of God's gift that is not given to everyone.

But numerous studies and observations of children with confirmed signs of genius refute this myth. Yes, there is a hereditary predisposition to giftedness.

However, any talent can be successfully buried by an incorrect approach to education. The conclusion of scientists is unequivocal: education plays a much greater role in the formation of high intelligence than human nature. 

There are a number of favorable circumstances in which young geniuses are nurtured. Almost any child can demonstrate significant success in certain areas. And this fact pleases parents at the same time, but also somewhat presses: "If my child is not a genius, then it's my fault?".

But this is not a reason for self-flagellation, but rather a reason to think about such questions:how to cultivate your child's intelligence;

  • how to help him achieve significant success in his chosen activity;
  • how to start the mechanism of formation of giftedness and show hidden talents.

Do you want to understand all the true needs of a child in order to maximize his abilities? Then register - at Dmitry Karpachev's transplant-free online master class "What every parent should know". How to maximize intelligence

how to raise a child genius

Economist Bruce Sakerdot from Dartmouth College (UK) conducted a study of students on the impact of their environment on intellectual abilities.

It was found out that students with low scores improved their academic performance due to one remarkable fact — they lived in rooms with excellent students. Roughly speaking, if you want to improve your grades, settle down with a smart neighbor. Excellent students literally "infected" their neighbors with a craving for knowledge and useful habits. 

This observation led to the conclusion that the first step to raising a gifted child is its introduction into a peer group that will pull up and mentor, nurture ambitions and demonstrate by its own example the ability to achieve outstanding success. These include: the choice of school and area of residence, the filter of the circle of communication, training with talented teachers who have experience working with gifted children.Also read: What to do with a child at home up to 6 years old: 15 interesting ideas10 tips for parents on how to raise a genius child

You should not focus only on choosing a favorable environment for the development of your child's intelligence.

There are other methods of educating geniuses. 

Early developmentTania Siddiqui , an expert on preschool education , noted in one of her interviews:

"From the moment a child is born until the age of 6 is a critical period for rapid brain development. The knowledge gained during this time has an impact on the rest of a person's life." 

In her opinion, the impact of the right material and verified stimuli allows neural connections to increase exponentially, that is, to rapidly increase the potential of the brain. This significantly increases the child's susceptibility to any kind of learning, as well as ensures his emotional stability and harmonious development. 

Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of early development of a child — start literally from birth. Fortunately, there are plenty of methods and modern pedagogical approaches to teaching kids.

Learn how to raise a child so that he develops harmoniously and correctly - at Dmitry Karpachev's transplant-free online master class "What every parent should know".Right now, click on the "Register" button and get a gift.

Communication with parents 


Despite the apparent simplicity of this advice, psychologists and educators insist that it is communication in the family that is a prerequisite for a powerful intellectual development of a child. 

Talking to a baby stimulates hearing improvement and builds up his vocabulary even before he starts talking. Communication with a preschooler trains curiosity and the ability to draw information from different sources. And thematic discussions with teenagers form critical thinking and the ability to defend their position.

Learning to readIt is proved that children who learned to read early are significantly ahead of their peers in terms of intelligence. 

Reading classes at preschool age, in addition to their immediate task, help to develop useful skills — perseverance, attentiveness and a desire to learn something new. In the future, they will help you adapt to school faster and cope with tasks more effectively. 

Sports activitiesAthletes studying a foreign language were tested in Germany.

As it turned out, after training, they remembered 20% more words than before sports. 

The very habit of moving trains the ability to set goals and achieve results, improve yourself and not give in to laziness. 

Therefore, involve the child in physical activity. Active games, gymnastics, hiking, swimming — the minimum that will help not only to have a good shape, but also to accelerate the development of intellectual abilities of the child. 

Learning languagesKnowledge of foreign languages is a significant competitive advantage.

And the process of expanding the linguistic base of the child contributes to the active development of the speech apparatus, stimulates cognitive function and memory. 

You need to learn the language easily and naturally. For example, gradually introduce new words into the child's vocabulary, watch cartoons in the language being studied, sing songs. 

how to grow a genius from the cradle.

Musical education The musical menu of the child should include not only popular modern hits, but also classical orchestral music, melodies of different genres.

Do not be afraid to introduce the child to complex works. They can be played at home in the background or listened to for a specific purpose (for example, before going to bed). 

Also teach children to recognize the sound of different instruments. The optimal age to start musical education is from the age of 2. 

Proper nutritionScientists from Canada and the UK conducted a study of the effect of fatty and sweet foods on intelligence and found out that junk food reduces IQ. 

Therefore, to maximize intelligence, monitor the nutrition of the child. Proteins increase concentration, carbohydrates give energy to the brain, and healthy fats give strength and vigor. Control the amount of simple carbohydrates: their abundance, on the contrary, harms the body. But still, you should not exclude sweets and fanfood from the children's menu. Let it be the food of the holiday, not every day. 

Full sleep Scientists have proven a correlation between the amount of sleep and the academic performance of children.

Moreover, if lack of sleep becomes a habit, it can cause irreversible consequences. Literally turn a sixth-grader's brain into a fourth-grader's brain!

A study of sleep in adolescents showed that excellent students sleep on average 15 minutes more than students with average grades. And those, in turn, are 10 minutes longer than the laggards. 

Home schooling"Colleges hate geniuses, just as monasteries hate saints" — this phrase confirms the fact that the school system is uncomfortable with genius children.

They have to change the standard program for them, they get out of the slender ranks of the other students. It's a hassle.

At home, you can choose the intensity and depth of immersion in the subject yourself, of course, taking into account a certain basis that is necessary to protect knowledge.

Home-schooled children are more diligent, responsible and independent. To gain knowledge, they do not need a teacher who criticizes and demands. They are internally motivated to study. 

Development of emotional intelligenceKnowing your emotional nature is a powerful aid for intellectual development.

Children should be aware of their feelings and be able to express them correctly. This will give them self-confidence, make it easy to build relationships with others and resolve conflicts on their own.

Emotional intelligence can be trained through role modeling of situations, the development of social skills and communication with people of different ages. But the starting point should be to accept yourself and the nature of your emotions.


Raising a genius is a tempting prospect for parents. It is very pleasant to observe the success of your child. This is not only a reason for pride, but also a reinforcement of parental solvency: "We were able to do it!". But in the pursuit of satisfying these ambitions, do not forget that your main task is to raise a child not only smart, but also happy. May you succeed! October 22, 2020 2022-11-27 2020-10-22 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article?

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