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Depression in children: what should parents do

Depression in children: what should parents do Mental disorders affect not only adults, but also children. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (USA), 5% of adolescents aged 13 to 18 h...


What to do if your parents interfere with the upbringing of your children

What to do if your parents interfere with the upbringing of your children In our country, nuclear families, where there are only parents and children, are a rather rare phenomenon. We are used to comm...


Whether to get a pet for a child

Whether to get a pet for a child Most children dream of having pets. They sincerely want to love and take care of animals, be friends with them and play. One of the most popular requests to Santa Clau...


The child does not understand the word "impossible": advice to parents

The child does not understand the word "impossible": advice to parents Earlier we wrote about the Japanese traditional system of ikuji education, according to which a child up to 5 years old is god. H...


Excess weight after childbirth: is it important for a man?

Excess weight after childbirth: is it important for a man? On average, a woman gains from 9 to 14 kilograms during pregnancy, depending on her complexion. In childbirth, you can lose at least 6 kilogr...


Vasily Sukhomlinsky: life path, books and advice to parents

Vasily Sukhomlinsky: life path, books and advice to parents Surely you have heard about Vasyl Sukhomlinsky, a Ukrainian teacher and writer. But not many people know what the essence of his pedagogical...


Bad habits in children: how to deal with them

Bad habits in children: how to deal with them Cicero wrote that "habit is second nature." But it is hardly pleasant for parents to realize that bad habits can become part of their children's personali...


A child snores in his sleep: why and what to do about it?

A child snores in his sleep: why and what to do about it? Many mothers instinctively listen to the breathing of their sleeping babies at night — is everything all right? And sometimes they are surpris...


How to take a child away from the playground without tears and hysteria

How to take a child away from the playground without tears and hysteria "I won't go," says the kid, whom his mother insistently asks to collect toys in the sandbox and go home. What causes confusion —...


Safety rules for children: at school, on the street, at home

Safety rules for children: on the street, at home, at school Parents take care and protect the child from birth, surround them with warmth and care, create comfortable, safe living conditions. They ar...