A child snores in his sleep: why and what to do about it?

A child snores in his sleep: why and what to do about it? - Problems, Norms of development, Behavior

Many mothers instinctively listen to the breathing of their sleeping babies at night — is everything all right? And sometimes they are surprised to find that the child has started snoring. Why this happens, what is the danger of snoring in children and how to cure it — read our article. A non - child problem

It is generally believed that snoring is a problem that is becoming relevant in middle—aged and elderly people.

And this is quite logical, because physiologically snoring is a vibration of the soft tissues of the nasopharynx, which lose elasticity over the years, sag. However, not everything is so simple. Surely you have noticed that sometimes even a young man, teenager or child snores in his sleep — why? 

Snore snore discordRare and quiet snoring is not a cause for concern.

It happens to almost all people / children. Snoring is considered dangerous when it becomes loud and constant. This is already a sign of a respiratory disorder, which can be divided into 2 stages: 

  1. Simple (primary) snoring, when a child snores heavily once or twice a week. 
  2. Obstructive apnea. A condition in which there is a delay in breathing in a dream, the so-called failure. It can disturb 10 or more times a night and is a blockage of the respiratory tract. Apnea affects the quality of sleep (it becomes fragmented), the behavior and learning of the child. And it can also provoke a number of physical and mental disorders.

Prevalence of the diseaseNormal (temporary, light) snoring is present in 27% of children.

Primary snoring affects 10-12% of children. But obstructive apnea — up to 5.7% of children. It is worth noting that in 70% of cases, children receive a diagnosis of "primary snoring", that is, this type can be considered the most common.

Why did the child start snoringDuring sleep, air should circulate freely through the respiratory tract, including the back of the pharynx.

There are very delicate and mobile soft tissues in this place. They vibrate from the air pumped by the lungs — this is how noise of different intensity is obtained. 

It turns into snoring when there is a partial blockage of the respiratory tract due to certain factors, namely: 

  • an increase in tonsils and adenoids is a part of the immune system that can swell either due to infection or due to physiological changes in the body;
  • excess weight — there is a mechanical narrowing of the respiratory tract due to an increase in the volume of pharyngeal tissue;
  • ingestion of a foreign body into the respiratory tract — if a child snores loudly, with whistling, it is worth immediately contacting a doctor to examine the nasopharynx;
  • nasal congestion associated with both ordinary acute respiratory viral infections and infectious and allergic processes (sinusitis, rhinitis, etc.). The swelling caused by ENT diseases prevents the passage of air flow, and the baby snores not only in sleep, but also during wakefulness;
  • asthma, like allergies and respiratory diseases, causes partial obstruction of the respiratory tract. It is necessary to remove seizures with medication, since the condition threatens with a complete blockage of the pharynx, which is life-threatening;
  • curvature of the nasal septum — this anatomical feature makes it difficult to breathe normally in a certain position and even completely exclude nasal breathing. Therefore, if your child snores on his back, then first you should examine his nasal septum;
  • passive smoking — exposure to tobacco smoke negatively affects the condition of the pharyngeal tissues of children: it provokes edema and, as a result, night snoring;
  • short term breastfeeding — scientists have identified a relationship between childhood snoring and the duration of GW. According to research, prolonged breastfeeding contributes to the active and full development of the upper respiratory tract, which is a kind of protection against snoring.

Also read: How to wake up a child correctly: tips for parentsWhat is the danger of children snoring

A child snores in a dream

If a child snores in a dream (loudly, often and all night), this is an occasion to pay attention to his health.

After all, seemingly harmless snoring can be a symptom of some kind of disease. 

What is the harm of "night trills"? Swelling of the walls of the pharynx provokes a decrease in the amount of oxygen entering the lungs during breathing. This has very serious consequences for the young organism:increased blood pressure;

  • metabolic disorders;
  • malocclusion, hearing impairment;
  • decreased cognitive functions of the brain.

The child learns worse, it is more difficult for him to concentrate on important things during the day (for example, at school, if we are talking about schoolchildren). Feels constant fatigue, absent-mindedness, the desire to lie down. The quality of life is gradually decreasing, that is, the usual mode of activity is already given with great difficulty. 

The effect on cognitive functions is noted already at the stage of primary snoring — when a child snores at night with a certain regularity. And at the stage of apnea, the consequences are more serious: from academic failure to pathologies of the cardiovascular system (including heart attacks, strokes, cardiomyopathy).

How to defeat children's snoringSo, if your child snores and snores in his sleep, you will have to visit a pediatrician.

But first of all: Watch the baby while sleeping and try to count the number of nights when you hear him snoring.

If he snores for 3 nights or more during the week, this is an excuse to continue his research. 

Please note: does the child snore on the inhale or on the exhale too? Is there a whistle, is the exhalation length increased? In the presence of such symptoms, visit an otolaryngologist as soon as possible, since everything points to a mechanical obstruction of the nasopharynx. 

Try to monitor whether there is a breath delay, how long it lasts, how often it occurs during the night.

During the examination, the doctor will prescribe additional studies to determine the factors of snoring and the harm to health that he has already managed to bring. Most likely, you will need a comprehensive study, in which you will consult with different specialists (allergist, otolaryngologist, neurologist), do ultrasound and / or night sleep monitoring.

the child snores in his sleep

Methods of treatmentIf a child snores with his nose and at the same time there is an overgrowth of lymphoid tissue in the area of tonsils and adenoids of 3-4 degrees, he is shown an adenotonsillotomy.

This is an operation during which the tonsils and adenoids, which block the airways, are cut off. 

Positive pressure devices are used to combat apnea. Their task is to prevent blockage of the respiratory tract by controlling the flow of air entering the child's lungs.

Be sure to establish sleep hygiene, that is, to organize:clean, fresh and cool air in the room where the child sleeps (humidity 50-60%);

  • a clear schedule of falling asleep, sufficient sleep duration (by age);
  • a quiet, comfortable room for sleeping.

The specific treatment of snoring depends on the cause of its occurrence. If it is an allergy, then taking antihistamines, eliminating the allergen and, possibly, ASIT therapy is necessary. If you are overweight — an individually selected diet. If infectious diseases of the nasopharynx — washing, taking antibiotics, hardware treatment (quartz tube, etc.).


Do not ignore children's snoring, even if it does not bring much discomfort. After all, it's not as harmless as it seems. The harm from snoring is difficult to predict: it can be minimal or very serious. Therefore, it is necessary to be vigilant and check the health status of a regularly snoring child. July 27, 2021 2022-11-26 2021-07-27 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article?

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