Kindness in the family: what does it mean

Kindness in the family: what does it mean - Upbringing, Child and society, Interesting, Behavior

It's nice to do something good for a loved one. After all, kindness in the family not only creates deeper connections, but also teaches children to appreciate it in relationships with other people. Regardless of whether we give or receive, it makes us smile and warms our hearts. Why is it so important to raise and educate a child in a friendly environment. How to do this, you will learn further in our material.What does kindness mean

Kindness in the family is a concept of morality that reflects humanity in people's behavior.

It is based on the spirit of mutual help: patting a worried friend on the back, sharing cookies in half with a younger brother, inviting a lonely classmate to join for lunch, comforting someone sad or scared, or donating their belongings to someone in need.

Kindness arises out of respect for others. Therefore, your child's active activity in school or social life is a great way for him to get to know other people belonging to different cultures, beliefs and families. 

Try to enroll your child in exciting creative activities. You can read about one of these in our article "Art therapy for children: the benefits of the psychological method". Such methods help to unite children in order to achieve a common goal. 

Create a culture of kindness in your home. Make sure that everyone in the family is treated with respect, that your home is a place where everyone can freely share ideas and ask questions without criticism. Remind your children that all people come from different backgrounds, they may have different beliefs, skin color, explain that these qualities make us all unique. Encourage your child to learn more about different races, religions and countries.

Share your thoughts with the children about how simple good deeds can really make a difference.

Toddlers can learn to share toys, while older children can try to support those who are being bullied or bullied. Encourage them to enter the "zone of care and courage" by comforting a classmate who is being teased, or by addressing a new student. If they don't know how to do this, ask what they would like to get in place of the newcomers at school. It can be anything: a companion for lunch, help in finding a locker or a classroom, or something simple, for example, a smile and hello, so that this person feels more welcome. 

How to cultivate kindness

How to raise a kind childTo understand how to cultivate kindness in children from an early age, try to focus on habits in everyday life.

We offer you tips in order to raise a generation of truly kind people.

  1. Explain to the children what kindness means.
  2. Write down good deeds.
  3. Develop the child's thinking.
  4. Encourage good habits.
  5. Be a model of kindness. 
  6. Inspire their imagination.
  7. Pay attention to the manifestation of kindness.

Explain to the children what kindness meansStart talking about benevolent behavior before the children grow up.

Toddlers may be focused on themselves, but you can gradually help them think about others on their own. Since empathy is inherent in us from birth, we intuitively feel what others feel. That's why your two-year-old child may cry when he sees that another kid has fallen on the playground. Explain to your preschooler that you need to address people the way you would like it for yourself. 

Write down good deedsCome up with a family custom.

For example, after every act of kindness that you see or experience, put a heart in a basket or an artificial flower in a pot. Tell us about such good deeds at dinner or before going to bed. When expressing gratitude to others, clearly indicate what they did and how it helped you. Leave letters at home, on pillows, in lunch boxes and in the car.

If you want to learn more about raising a child, learn how to do without scandals and problems, we recommend that you take a free 3-day master class "What every parent should know".

Kindness in the family

Develop the child's thinking Nurturing a sense of kindness helps children focus on what they feel when they help others.

In this way, boys and girls create an inner "I" filled with compassion and affection. When your child does a good deed, you don't need to be praised for it. Reward can undermine the instinctive desire to do good. It is better to help parents think about this feeling. Help your son or daughter develop caring by noting that he or she is a kind person. Then ask what it's like to do what they did? 

Encourage good habitsGive examples to a child when he can help people, for example, a classmate with homework, a family member with routine work, an elderly person who needs to give up a seat on the bus.

These habits are similar to the rules of etiquette, such as saying "please" or thanking the school bus driver. They help to develop kindness and make the world a better place. 

Ideally, we want to develop a positive attitude, and not scold our children when they make inevitable mistakes. Therefore, when your kids are kind, catch them on it — and reinforce their behavior.

Be a model of kindness The most important thing we can do is to raise caring children.

We cannot control their behavior, but we can look for ways to demonstrate such behavior ourselves. Fortunately, they tend to imitate us from an early age, so you can show kindness from infancy. 

As the child grows up, he will observe how you treat people, from subtle interactions to more tangible acts of kindness, such as inviting a lonely person to share a holiday, bringing food to a sick neighbor, comforting, donating time and money to take care of those in need.

Inspire their imaginationIt's hard to be a compassionate person if you don't have an active imagination, because you need to be able to imagine yourself in someone else's place.

The game is a great way for young children to show empathy and show what kindness gives. For example, tell your child: "Your doll fell and hit her head. What do you think we should do for her?". Reading the book together will also help you get acquainted with someone else's life, which sometimes differs greatly from yours.  As your children get older, ask them to imagine more complex real-life scenarios. 

Pay attention to the manifestation of kindnessHelp your child notice how it feels to be kind and how other people react.

Kindness should not only be altruistic. You can practice it for the reward and because it's enjoyable. In the same way, you want your children to notice when people show them kindness, which, in turn, causes gratitude. Think of kindness and gratitude as two threads that intertwine in the spiral of your baby's happiness. Ultimately, kindness will benefit everyone: those who practice it and receive it. 

If you want to learn how to organize comfortable communication in the family, watch the video "The main condition for raising a happy child. What does a mother and a female polar bear have in common?". The images are taken from:


September 22, 2021 2022-11-26 2021-09-22 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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