Why does a child grind his teeth in his sleep?

Why does a child grind his teeth in his sleep? - Interesting, Behavior, Problems

Many parents are faced with the fact that during sleep the child grits his teeth. And sometimes it happens during the day, when the baby is very passionate about something, puzzled. In medical terminology, this phenomenon is called bruxism. About 50% of children are exposed to it in the period from the moment of the appearance of the first tooth and up to 7-8 years. In adults, the indicator is much lower — 5-10%.

The reaction to the child's teeth grinding is different. Some parents do not pay attention, while others run headlong to the doctors. And they are right, for the most part, it is the latter — it is definitely worth checking. And what exactly and why the child is grinding his teeth in his sleep — we will tell you in our article. Causes of bruxism in children

Tooth grinding occurs due to involuntary contraction of the masticatory muscles.

The jaws are very tightly compressed, and the teeth rub against each other. This happens unconsciously, against the will of the child, including during sleep. Sometimes bruxism is accompanied by:

✓ headache;✓ discomfort in the chewing muscles, jaw;

✓ periodontal disease;

✓ osteoarthritis of the maxillary joint.

If not treated, over time, the dental tissue will be erased, which threatens with hypersensitivity (hyperesthesia) of the teeth.


How and why does bruxism develop? The etiology of this disease is studied in various fields of medicine: dentistry, neurology, gastroenterology, otolaryngology and psychiatry. 

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Psychotherapists note the risk of developing bruxism in situations of psychological overload, prolonged tension, and frequent states of affect. If a child lives in a situation of constant stress, the likelihood of tooth grinding increases several times. Although bruxism itself does not mean that there are psychological problems. It is enough just to eliminate the stress factor, and the gnashing of teeth will pass.

The child is grinding his teeth

Neuropathologists consider bruxism as a consequence of neurological and motor dysfunction. As a rule, this occurs against the background of serious diseases: enuresis, apnea, epilepsy, tremor of the extremities, somnambulism and a tendency to nightmares. It may also be due to trigeminal nerve pathologies that lead to masticatory muscle spasms.

In dentistry, dental creaking is regarded as a pathology in the development of the dental system. For example, due to an incorrect bite, with an excess or, conversely, a lack of teeth, arthritis / arthrosis, incorrect selection of braces. 

There is a theory that bruxism is directly related to birth injuries, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Violation of breathing can also provoke tooth grinding. Diseases of the nasopharynx and ear (otitis media, sinusitis, adenoiditis) provoke edematous processes of soft tissues and, as a consequence, hypertonicity of the masticatory muscles. And the most common cause of dental gnashing in children is the growth of teeth. 

Diagnosis of bruxism: which doctors to contactIf you notice that the child often grits his teeth, you need to be examined by such specialists:

  • dentist;
  • neurologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • gastroenterologist.

The cause of bruxism is determined by differential diagnosis. It is necessary to exclude neurological and other pathologies, to assess whether the disease is progressing, whether there are any concomitant pains (in the jaw, head, etc.). 

Doctors can prescribe instrumental diagnostics: a study on a polysomnograph, an electromyograph. To determine which teeth suffer from increased stress, the dentist will offer a special mouthguard — Brooks checker. The child puts it on at night, and after a few days the doctor examines the dents to establish the presence of occlusive contacts. 

Gnashing teeth and helminths — is there a connection?One of the reasons why young children grind their teeth in their sleep, parents consider helminths.

Despite the widespread opinion that tooth creaking at night is caused by this factor, there is no scientific justification for this statement. 

However, there is one theory according to which an indirect connection between helminthiasis and bruxism can still be traced. The fact is that in the presence of worms in the intestine and bile ducts, the movement of intestinal loops increases. In other words, irritation of the gastrointestinal tract occurs. This increases salivation, which, in turn, provokes chewing movements of the jaws. 

In any case, it will not hurt to take tests for the presence of parasites (feces, scraping, blood for antibodies). And given the high risk of worm infestation + 50% probability of developing bruxism, it is not surprising that these two problems are often linked together.

The child grits his teeth at night

How to cure bruxismIf a child grits his teeth rarely and for up to 10 seconds, while an examination by specialists of various profiles confirmed that he is healthy, no measures are required.

If the tooth creaking is prolonged, daily, happens not only in a dream, but also during the day, and therefore the child is used to constantly clench his jaw, it is necessary to do something about it. Neglected bruxism is fraught not only with problems with tooth enamel, but also with pathologies of the development of the chewing apparatus, chipping of teeth, speech disorders. 

Recommendations for taking medications and undergoing procedures are given by specialists — each according to their profile. Anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, muscle relaxants, vitamins, sedatives, etc. may be prescribed. 

In addition to specific recommendations and appointments, we recommend:Avoid a late dinner.

  1. The optimal time for the last meal is 2 hours before bedtime. Give the child a snack in the form of a carrot or an apple to train the jaw a little, "tire" it. So the chewing muscles will not contract at night, which means that the child will not grind his teeth.
  2. Avoid active activities in the evening. Instead of running around the apartment and outdoor games, read a fairy tale with your child, watch a cartoon. It is better to give up a computer, tablet or smartphone altogether before going to bed. 
  3. For evening relaxation, use baths with tincture of needles of coniferous trees, leaves and lavender flowers. The bath should not be too hot, but cool water, which invigorates, will also not do any good. 
  4. Create an evening ritual before going to bed: read a book, share secrets, sing a lullaby. Do this daily, without changing the time. Such rituals help the child to feel more calm and confident.
  5. If you have noted nervous tension, frequent stress, tearfulness of the baby, try to find out the cause and eliminate it. Children do not know how to talk about their problems, so sometimes you have to collect information bit by bit. Your task is to minimize or eliminate stressful situations from the child's life. 
  6. If bruxism progresses, special splints that relax the muscles of the jaw and chewing apparatus will help. And the teeth will be protected by an individually made mouth guard.
  7. During the spring vitamin deficiency, you can drink a vitamin complex. A pediatrician prescribes a specific drug.
  8. If bruxism provoked pain in the jaw, you can put a warm compress on it before going to bed. 


Children grow up quickly, and over the years the likelihood of developing bruxism decreases markedly. However, it is possible to wait for the child to outgrow only if the tooth creaking is extremely rare. Otherwise, it is worth taking all measures to preserve the health of the teeth and ensure the proper development of the jaw muscles. The main advice: if you do not know why the child is grinding his teeth during sleep, then be sure to visit a specialist.  April 27, 2020 2022-11-27 2020-04-27 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article?

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