The child is a technician or a humanitarian: how to determine and what to do with it

The child is a technician or a humanitarian: how to determine and what to do with it - Psychology, Interesting, Skill development

Children think about choosing a future profession long before they enter the university. Ask any 5-year-old kid who he will become when he grows up. You will receive an answer immediately, and in a few months the profession will be radically different from what he called before. 

It is possible to identify a propensity for certain types of activities with the help of special tests (for example, for career guidance). But is it worth limiting the child's abilities to the generally accepted cliches of "tech guy" or "humanitarian"? And how to determine whether your child is a humanitarian or a technician. Let's figure it out. Description of ways of thinking

How to understand a humanitarian or a tech kid?

The description of these two types of thinking will help to determine.

A technician is a person with a technical mindsetThe child is a techie, how to determine?

Tech kids are particularly energetic, they are purposeful and persistent, their inquisitive mind is constantly in an active phase. It takes techies a few minutes to complete tasks that most classmates can hardly cope with. They are easily given exact sciences: algebra, geometry, physics, computer science. They quickly understand the principle of operation of any equipment, can fix a simple device without the help of adults. 

Also read: Top 19 Books Every Parent Should ReadIt is believed that techies are down—to-earth people, firmly connected with reality, excellent observers.

They have amazing logical thinking, and actions are subject to a clear plan. Techies are unemotional, do not tend to show their feelings, do not like to speak in public and generally attract attention to themselves. But they love to make long chains of conclusions, think evidently and substantiate their words with facts. 

Humanitarian: in thrall to emotions and fantasiesHow to define a humanitarian child?

This type of thinking is focused on social sciences: languages, history, literature. Humanitarians have a subtle tactile sense and a keen sense of smell. They love needlework, creativity, music. Their characteristic features are sociability, interest in art in all its manifestations, determination and desire to improve themselves. 

Humanitarians can realize their potential in the following fields: law, linguistics, philology. They are excellent speakers, so they do not shy away from participating in politics at different levels. Humanitarian children are well-oriented in society, quickly make friends and become the soul of the company. 

The interests of humanitarians are centered around everything that is inside a person: his thoughts, fantasies, feelings, dreams. 

Child's abilities

Is it worth imposing templates?Despite a fairly clear interpretation of the ways of thinking of techies and humanities, from a scientific point of view there are no grounds for such a classification.

Moreover, scientists insist that any intellectually developed person has the ability to technical specialties. It's just that some people solve problems (analyze, summarize, process information) faster than others. This determines their ability to technical sciences. However, is there a difference in how fast the problem is solved, if the solution is correct? Therefore, the division of children into two camps is conditional. 

It is better to consider not the child's inclination to certain sciences, but what he strives for and what he does with less effort. It is this type of activity that will turn out better for him, and even bring pleasure, keep a steady interest. 

Among school-age children, the boundaries between technarians and humanities are extremely blurred.

Even though they like some disciplines more and some less, they study plus or minus the same in all subjects.

Have you met a tech guy with high grades in math and deuces in literature? Probably not. Similarly with the humanities. Hardly any of them, demonstrating success in the study of literature and languages, openly messes up physics. Although, of course, a slight inflection towards the subjects that you like the most, according to estimates, will be noticeable. 

The danger of imposing patterns of thinking on a child is that often the inability to cope with the task is explained by banal laziness: why solve equations, because I'm a humanitarian?! 

Parents do not expect good results from the child in subjects with which, in their opinion, it is difficult for him to cope. This creates even greater laziness, shirking from studying and in the future closes the child's access to professions in which he could realize himself.

Child's abilities

Interests and abilities of the childThese two concepts do not always go hand in hand.

Sometimes a child shows interest in certain disciplines, but is not particularly successful in studying them. Conversely, children who are capable in some area often learn carelessly. Yes, everything works out for them, teachers praise, studying is easy, but these subjects do not cause sincere, lively interest. Therefore, if your child has decided to concentrate efforts on specific areas, they should be chosen not only on the basis of interests, but also with objective consideration of abilities. 

If it is not difficult to identify objects of interest to a child (he will tell about them himself), then it is not so easy to understand a humanitarian or a technician child. To do this, use our tips:✓ Study the grades for each of the subjects under consideration.

Where are the least jumps from minimum to maximum? Your task is to determine the sciences in which the child shows a stable result. Let it not be high, but most importantly — uniform;

Talk to teachers. Surely the homeroom teacher knows even a little more about your child's school life than you do. Ask which lessons are given to him easily, which subject teachers are most praised, in which subjects the child takes the initiative, does a little more than the rest;

Contact specialists. A career guidance test conducted by a psychologist or an experienced HR person will help identify the strengths of the child's personality, indicate directions for development.

To systematize the information received, we recommend using the ability classifier. It will help you move away from the tech/humanities templates and more accurately assess your child's type of thinking: Logical.

  1. They combine technical and mathematical abilities. This is the ability to analyze information, operate with a large amount of data, find missing ones. A person easily moves from the forward to the reverse course of thoughts, uses the principles of induction and deduction. Thinking is consistent, flexible. Preferred professions: scientist, engineer, mathematician, philosopher, economist, technologist, mechanic.
  2. Analytical. Such thinking gives its owner analytical abilities, the ability to understand people, read their mood and understand motives. Analysts should choose the profession of a doctor, psychologist, lawyer, policeman, social worker. 
  3. Spatial. People with spatial thinking are able to create images in their minds, and then bring them to life. In their imagination, they see the finished product in the smallest details, and can depict it in diagrams, drawings. Professions where such abilities will be useful: designer, architect, designer, scientist.
  4. Verbal (linguistic). This type of thinking determines the choice of a profession from the field of philology: writer, translator, historian, teacher. Such people have an excellent memory and a developed imagination, an extraordinary sense of language and a well-developed creativity. 
  5. Social. Orientation to communication with others will be great for people of public professions. Moreover, the range of activities is huge: from politicians to sellers. 
  6. Kinesthetic. With such abilities, a person will succeed in any business related to movement: sports, dancing, racing, driving cars, piloting airplanes, etc.. Kinesthetics also manage to do any precise work with their hands: needlework, playing musical instruments, massage and surgery. 


It doesn't matter who your child is — a humanitarian or a technician. Both the former and the others have chances for social success and realization in their chosen profession. The main thing is that it should be in demand in the labor market and bring pleasure. April 27, 2020 2022-11-27 2020-04-27 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article?

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