Child's personality: how to form and develop

Child's personality: How to form and develop - Interesting, Skill Development, Education, Psychology

Why are children from the same family with a small age difference sometimes radically different from each other? The reason may lie in different hobbies, social circle, temperament. What factors become decisive and how the child's personality is formed — further in the material.Child's personality: what is it

A child's personality is a set of habits, attitudes of thinking and emotional reactions that develop from birth.

All these skills are designed to help the child become a part of society, find a job, create a family and successfully move through life.

Society contributes to the formation of personality: relationships with close people, friends, educators and teachers. But you can also hone certain qualities of character yourself. Upbringing, experience and hobbies are the main factors in the development of the personality of both a child and an adult. Scientists have identified the influence of these external conditions in a separate term neuroplasticity — the ability of the human brain to change and adapt under the influence of emotions, experience and new activities.

Development of the child's personalityScientists and teachers in the middle of the twentieth century discovered that the formation of a child's personality occurs as efficiently as possible in a certain type of activity at different age periods.

In other words, each new activity develops what is necessary for further successful learning and life. Children should receive the knowledge and skills that they can use daily in everyday life. 

Let's consider ways of developing a child's personality.Develop personal communication

The qualities of the child's personality

A child from birth has character traits.

And even the baby behaves in a certain way, inherent only to him. And the development of the child's personality traits and his attitude to life will depend on how parents interact with him.

Emotional communication from birth forms the sensory perception of external objects. This can include non-verbal communication during breastfeeding, body contact, mom's massage, as well as conversations with the child, imitation of his sounds, songs and lullabies. The skin is an important channel of perception in children from the first days of life. The newborn is not able to understand your words, but the child's personality is already actively developing: he feels the warmth of the body, the aroma, the vibration of the voice.

How to help a child in his self—realization and not to harm - you will learn at the master class: "What every parent should know."Provide comfortable conditions for the game

Do not forget that the upbringing and development of a child's personality up to 6 years old occurs mainly in a playful way.

Outdoor games strengthen health, develop coordination and reaction speed. Intellectual games help to form and express thoughts, express emotions and teach analysis. Watching the baby during play activities, you can identify his abilities, as well as worries and problems, even if he does not yet know how to speak.

  • From six months to a year, it is important for a child to offer solid objects for play and give the opportunity to study them by taste, by touch, in other safe ways. 
  • From a year to three, there should be a subject game: constructors, lacing, mosaic, cubes and other activities involving fine motor skills. Its development enhances interhemispheric interactions, and this in turn improves the thought process, develops memory and speech.
  • After 3-4 years, children, having formed the skills they need in independent play, are ready for collective play activities. Adults at this stage guide, help to solve conflict situations.
  • After 5 years, intellectual activity is added to the game, on the skills of which it depends whether the child will be ready for school soon or not.

In group games, children often have to express their point of view and defend their rights. How to teach this you will learn from our video: "How to help a child form his own opinion? Raising a child. 0+".Teach hygiene and order

Features of the child's personality development

An important factor in the development of a child's personality are the basic skills of independence: to eat, dress, comb your hair, brush your teeth, go to the potty and clean up after yourself.

Elementary hygiene of children begins to be taught closer to the year, and after three years, the child can cope with feasible household chores to the best of his development: wipe the dust, sweep the floor, wash his dishes.

The baby develops imitating an adult, and it is important for parents not to interfere with him in this, setting the right example: brushing his teeth twice a day, washing his hands after the street and contact with animals, taking a shower before going to bed, putting on clothes for sleeping and so on. Next, it is important to explain to the child about the rules of behavior in public places, with relatives and strangers, in kindergarten and school. Thus, skills are formed in the child's mind that will help him in adulthood. 

Identify and improve your abilitiesThe abilities of kids are very different: for creativity, study, sports.

The task of parents is to notice the interests of children in a timely manner and develop them. In this process, not only the desire of the parent is important, but to a greater extent the desire and desire of the child. Whatever he is interested in, support and create the most comfortable and safe conditions for the development of the child's personality.

Have you noticed that in the same conditions, children from different families react differently to what is happening? What is the main reason: genetics or upbringing? Read in the article: "What influences the formation of a child's character".Read for the child and with him

The process of developing a child's personality

Reading develops the imagination, because in the process of getting acquainted with the plot, the child's brain creates pictures that he did not see in reality.

With the help of books, parents introduce the baby to the concepts of good and evil, friendship and mutual assistance. Properly selected literature is the fastest and most loyal way to convey basic values to a child, develop mental flexibility and diversify speech.

By instilling a love of reading in your child from an early age, you will start the process of endless curiosity, and the behavior patterns of the characters will be very useful in many life situations.

Kids under 5 years of age perceive rhythmic works best by ear and very quickly memorize short rhymed poems that they will quote to you as soon as they speak well. At this age, nursery rhymes, poems and riddles are suitable for reading, and later you can switch to prose.

It is important for children to have illustrations in the book. Parents should offer such literature so that the pictures do not distract the kids from their own fantasies, but complement the author's narratives: moderately saturated with color, not overloaded with small details.

Why children don't want to read and how to fix it — read more about this in our article: "How to instill a love of reading in a child and whether it should be done."Summing up, we remind you that if you want to develop a child's personality, do not forget about the wishes of the baby himself.

The success of his activity depends not on the number of hours spent, but on the strength of his inner desire and interest.

Listen to your baby and help him reveal his personality in all its glory!

The images are taken from the sources: , .

November 29, 2021 2022-11-26 2021-11-29 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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