Happy Mom: 7 secrets

Happy Mom: 7 secrets - Psychology, Interesting, Problems

Is happy mom an Instagram trend or a real person? If you read social networks, then a woman who has become a mother should be a successful wife, a diligent housewife, and a caring mother. But not everyone manages to enter such a combat mode and be successful in all directions. Where to start and how to come to the realization that "I am the happiest mom" will be discussed later in the article.How to become a happy mom:

7 secretsThere is no proven method that will surely make you a happy woman and mother, but we have identified 7 tips that will bring you closer to a state of harmony and balance.

Do not demand the impossible from yourself and try to enlist the support of your loved ones. And even if you are at a loss and it seems that there is no one around — our recommendations will help you gain self-confidence and find help in your environment.

Get enough sleepIn order for all the following tips to work, first of all, do not neglect sleep.

In principle, it's hard for mom to get enough sleep, but it's important to find time when the child allows you to. Therefore, if you feel a constant lack of sleep — postpone household chores, order delivery or call relatives for help, but try to get enough sleep. Not cleaned up? Well, let it be. But after a few extra hours of sleep, you will have much more energy for household chores. 

Arrange with your husband, mom or girlfriend that on the weekend they will play with the child in the morning or cook breakfast for your friendly company, and you will sleep longer at this time. 

And no matter how old the child is, do not be ashamed of daytime sleep with him — give yourself the opportunity to relax at the moment when you need it. A well—rested and happy mother is a happy child and harmony in the family. 

How does mom's mood affect the relationship with her children and husband, see in our video: "How to love yourself and your family? How to create a happy family?".Take care of yourself

Healthy and happy mom

Often young mothers put aside everything that concerns their personal care of themselves.

I'll have time to eat, shower and manicure will wait, make—up and hairstyle — sometime next time. At first, a woman does everything to wear, then she gets involved and forgets that taking care of herself is primarily her moral and physical health. It is especially difficult to allocate time for yourself if the baby is capricious, sensitive to mom's attention. How can this be done? It's difficult without helpers.

Attract grandparents, godparents and friends who can provide your child with leisure 1-2 times a week. And while the child is under supervision — apply a mask or do a peeling. And in the evening, when the husband returns from work or while the baby is sleeping, take a warm bath with foam.

And it doesn't matter if you are planning a walk with your baby today or have decided to spend this day at home, allow yourself small joys — wear comfortable but cute clothes, do light and quick makeup, simple hairstyle. Remember that you are a wonderful woman!

If you are "not in the resource" and do not know where to look for it — take a look at our article: "A woman's resource state: what it is and how to restore it."Plan everything: budget, shopping, vacation, menu

A happy mom is a happy family.

Plan your day — it will save time and effort, teach the child to discipline, and also have a good effect on the child's psyche: it disciplines, minimizes anxiety and conflicts. Children feel the rhythm and know the daily routine, which makes it easier to fall asleep and less nervous.

It is difficult to free yourself from constant shopping and cooking, but you can make the task easier. Make a menu for the week, write a shopping list and ask your husband, brother, girlfriend to help go to the store with you or instead of you. 

Do not forget, you should ask for help directly, and not expect a reaction to your hints. 

In order not to worry once again because you forgot something important, keep lists of: shopping, household chores, children's educational programs and sections. For someone, the notepad and pen method is suitable, for someone - an application on the phone or an organizer on the refrigerator. If it is difficult to plan things for every day, you can write out a to—do list for a week and gradually delete the work done. So you will see the range of tasks and will not worry if you do not have time to do something today.

Secrets of a happy mom

Delegate household choresIt is not shameful to call your mother, mother-in-law or husband for help if you feel tired.

When your body goes into a stressful mode: nerves are at the limit, strength is running out, the mood is close to zero — in this state it is difficult to feel like a happy mom.

At least for the first time, delegate some of your household chores to your loved ones who are ready to help you. If you are offered help, do not refuse. Mom will help with the cleaning, mother-in-law will cook dinner, and a friend will sit with the baby while you calmly take a shower. Don't be demanding of yourself if you can't cope. 

Of course, you know best how to properly care for your child. Therefore, delegation can be difficult. To reduce the level of anxiety, make a detailed list of important points that your assistant should take into account. Allow yourself and others a little bit of creativity and freedom in the performance of child care duties: if your rules are not 100% fulfilled, but at least 70% — consider this an excellent achievement.

Clutter upAn overabundance of superfluous things exhausts a woman.

When you come across empty jars, broken toys, old things, you constantly worry about when you will finally be able to put things in order on that shelf in the closet or finally clean up the room. Another energy-consuming task is added to the to-do list. How to become a happy mom? It is necessary to try to put in order both the internal space and the surrounding.

Make it a habit to audit children's toys, clothes and kitchen utensils once a season. Throw away, give away or take out to the garage unnecessary things that you have not used for a long time and you will see that such a clutter perfectly puts your thoughts in order and pleases the eye.

Happy young mom

Add activitiesIn a healthy body — a healthy mind.

And Mom needs both. Regular exercises in gymnastics, fitness or strength exercises stimulate blood circulation, fill with strength and energy. Work out at the gym or at home. You can go out with your baby to the playground, ride a bike together or run after each other. Your body will respond with a better state and a positive attitude. In addition, regular physical exercises make the silhouette slimmer and the figure more taut, and this in turn will add motivation and vitality.

In addition, it is a great opportunity to spend time with like—minded people, to allocate it not only for physical activity, but also for socializing outside the home.

How to awaken your feminine nature and live in harmony with yourself, read the article: "What is female energy and where to take it."Listen to yourself

Mom is a vulnerable object of universal attention and often a victim of demands and unsolicited advice.

The eyes of relatives, friends and even random passers-by are turned to her. If a woman takes all the advice indiscriminately, then gradually they will begin to exclude each other, and the mother will panic, they say, she does not understand at all how to raise her child.

Be critical of the information, first evaluate your attitude to the advice and then decide whether you want to follow it.

You don't have to listen to someone else's moralizing, and moreover, you can ask not to give them to you if you feel annoyed.

In any communication with outsiders, do not be afraid to clearly define your boundaries and say that you will figure out the right question yourself or consult with a specialist, because only you will be responsible for the child in the future. And if the method of your upbringing is constantly criticized, try not to communicate with people who allow themselves such behavior.

What a joy to be a mom

How to put all these tips into practice? Is it really so difficult to become a happy mom? We hasten to reassure you — everything will be fine! The main thing is not to burden yourself with additional requirements, because you do not have to be happy by someone else's standards. All criteria are your personal choice.

Take from the recommendations for yourself what will resonate in your soul, try to put into practice in small volumes — evaluate the result. If you like it — continue to act on the same principle or try to implement the following life hack into everyday life. Evaluate the result again. Move in small steps, take your time, listen to yourself and you will definitely be a happy mom!

You will learn how to raise children correctly, easily and without tantrums at a free master class for parents: "Complete instructions for raising children up to 11 years old."The images are taken from the sources: pexels.com , pixabay.com .

November 29, 2021 2022-11-26 2021-11-29 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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