Poor appetite in a child: what to do

Poor appetite in a child: what to do - Problems, Upbringing, Behavior, Interesting

"Capricious", "maloezhka", "nekhochukha" — what kind of nicknames do not mothers and grandmothers call children who are difficult to feed. A child's poor appetite is a "headache" for the whole family. Let's find out the reasons why this happens and how to feed the baby.Poor appetite in children

Does the child refuse certain foods or does not want to eat at all?

The answer is obvious: he is not hungry. But if he refuses to eat constantly or eats selectively, then there are reasons for that, which we will talk about further.

The causes of poor appetite in children can be:

  1. Adults eat one thing, and the child is offered another.
  2. Too many snacks.
  3. An excess of sweets in the diet.
  4. Feeding under cartoons.
  5. The child is used to store-bought food.

Next, we will analyze all the reasons in more detail.

The child eats very little

Adults eat one thing, and the child is offered anotherPoor appetite in children who, after 1.5-2 years, eat exclusively "children's menu" is caused by an unwillingness to eat what adults do not eat.

Food interest, as well as cognitive interest, develops gradually. There was a time when children's porridge and mashed potatoes so excited the taste buds that the baby willingly reached for each spoon with his hands. But over time, the child wants to try new flavors and textures to satisfy their nutritional needs. For children, food is about pleasure, and if the food is boring, the baby will refuse it altogether.

Too many snacksChaotic excessive snacking, if there are more than 2 per day, can bring down the diet and call into question a full lunch or dinner.

And when sweets, cookies and various muffins are on the table, even a not hungry baby will come running to eat a yummy. To starve the worm before the main meal, it is better to offer fruit, nuts or yogurt, but control the portion depending on the age and weight of the child.

Excess of sweets in the dietOften parents do not take into account milk, juices and sodas, equating them with water.

But these drinks are quite high in calories and it is likely that the child eats poorly precisely because of the excess sugar in them. The same applies to "candy for a snack": do not teach the child to such rewards for food.

The child does not eat well

Feeding under cartoonsFeeding under the TV is convenient for parents: the child sits straight, opens his mouth in time and eats a whole portion.

But you should understand that at this moment he is completely absorbed in the picture and does not perceive either the taste of food or its volume. Why does a child eat poorly without cartoons? Because he is not hungry and there is no additional visual stimulation to agree to such a meal. 

How eating habits affect physical and moral health, read our article: "The problem of excess weight in adolescents. How not to bring the child to the RPP".The child is used to store-bought food

Fast food products are usually of a soft consistency and flavored with seasonings or sweeteners.

A child after yogurt or cottage cheese will no longer want to taste an apple, boiled meat or porridge. And irritated taste buds simply will not perceive the taste of fresh fruits or vegetables.

The child eats poorly if, after the start of complementary feeding from jars, the mother delayed the moment of introducing solid food into his diet. Many people do this because it is possible to cook food faster, it is less likely that the baby will choke and it is much more convenient to feed him.

You will learn about how to raise children without tantrums, scandals and persuasion at a master class for parents: "Complete instructions for raising children up to 11 years old."The child eats poorly: what to do

Why does the child eat poorly

A healthy child with sufficient physical activity eats as much as he needs.

Therefore, it is not necessary to force him to eat under any circumstances. But it is in your power to make meals desirable. 

What should parents whose child eats poorly do? There are several ways that can help.

Set an exampleYour child will not eat what he has not seen on your plate.

This is at the level of instincts: repeat after adults, because the other may be inedible or tasteless. Whether you like it or not, eating habits are formed based on the diet of parents, and not on the basis of stories about what is useful and what is harmful. Moreover, the baby is able to hear and understand your arguments about the usefulness of products no earlier than 5 years. Up to this age, the food for him is either delicious or not. 

Therefore, parents should reconsider the family menu, make it useful and tasty for both the child and the adult. 

Remove unnecessary snacksNormally, if a child eats 3 times a day, 2 small snacks are enough for him 1.5 hours before the main meal.

Also, snacks should be varied and tasty, not consist of sweets and be light enough not to kill the appetite. Based on the portion of breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can generally remove snacks, but you should still focus on the child. If 2 hours after eating, he clearly loses activity, it is better to offer a snack or add calories.

The child eats poorly: what to do

Cook and eat togetherNothing stimulates the appetite like a person chewing next to you.

Ask the baby if he is hungry — and he will answer "no". But if you crunch an apple juicy, you will immediately be asked to share it. Do not try to negotiate or convince — show in practice: go shopping together, tell us where this or that vegetable grows and what is prepared from it. Be interested in the child's opinion when choosing products and offer to fill the cart in the supermarket yourself. At home, ask for help with cooking: clean, mix, pour out — and the baby will have more motivation as a result to try what he did himself. 

The child does not eat well if others do not show him an example: mom quickly drank tea, dad had breakfast at work, and a huge plate was placed in front of the baby and something was demanded of him. Eat together, introduce the baby to the adult table and you will see that his food interest is growing and developing. Serve food of different shapes and colors: cucumber in strips, tomatoes in circles, potatoes in balls — the baby will like this approach to serving and he will wait with great interest for what his mother will come up with this time.

Encourage independenceAdult feeding is one of the common reasons why a child eats little at the age of one to two.

Let the kid show his abilities. Closer to 12 months, the child is ready to hold a spoon in his hands and cope with it. Of course, he will eat much longer, and half of the food will go to the walls and floor, but this way the baby learns to interact with different products. 

For a child, an independent meal is something new. You need to get used to food, find out, try how it still manifests itself. 

If you can't solve the problem of refusing to eat yourself, seek help from a psychologist. What qualities and skills a specialist should have — read in our article: "How to choose a psychologist for a child."Do not try to feed in any way

The child began to eat less

Imagine a situation: you have been cooking dinner for several hours, your husband returns from work and you offer him to taste culinary abundance, but he refuses.

And you run around him, offer to cook three more dinner options, turn on your favorite TV series and dance, if necessary. The situation is exaggerated, but it shows how mothers go out of their way to make their beloved child well-fed and satisfied. If a child has not eaten enough, this is not a reason to manipulate his behavior with the help of cartoons, sweets or toys. And even more so — to go on about the baby, to offer him to eat at least something so that he does not go hungry. He will quickly understand this and generally stop eating what you have prepared.

Respect the child's desire: if he does not want to eat, leave him alone, let him work up an appetite.

But if the baby does not want soup, but requires candy — say "no" and stick to your decision. Stay calm and be consistent in your words and actions. Soon the child will understand that he will not force you to act in his own way with whims and tantrums and will be more accommodating not only in relation to food, but also in other areas of life.

Listen to the baby, talk to him and monitor his daily routine to make sure that he has enough physical activity and rest. Do not intimidate the child by talking about unhealthy food and proper nutrition. Otherwise, while you are steaming another broccoli puree at home, the baby will quietly eat a puff from a nearby bakery. Eat right, varied and delicious — and the problem will pass.

How to properly call a child to the table so that he hears you and does not boycott your wishes, see our video: "How to make a child fulfill your request."The images are taken from the sources: pexels.com , pixabay.com , shutterstock.com .

December 1, 2021 2022-11-26 2021-12-01 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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