What to do on vacation: 6 games for home

What to do on vacation: 6 games for home - Education, Psychology, Child and society, Interesting

Holidays are a period when it is necessary to organize the child's time in such a way that he does not get bored, does not sit idle, but does something useful. This is what parents would like, but do the children agree to it? What to do with a child on vacation, and also why it is useful for him to be bored — further in our material.What to do with a child on vacation

Do not rush to arrange the baby on vacation in all kinds of sections and circles.

It is useful for him sometimes to be alone, to do nothing, to figure out what to do himself. No matter how strange it may sound, but it disciplines, teaches you to recognize your needs and manage time. It is advisable to leave the child at least 2 hours of free time per day. 

At times when it may seem to you that he spends his time aimlessly — the baby actively explores, develops and analyzes.

But do not forget that children do not know all the possibilities that we, adults, are aware of. Therefore, it is worth introducing them to different ways of spending time. These can be educational games, useful classes or the first steps in professional activity. The main thing here is to entertain, to occupy, not to load. Next, we offer several options for a useful and boring vacation for both the baby and the teenager.

What to do on summer vacation

6 vacation games for a childAny games on vacation or at other times require a little involvement from parents.

And imagination and simple advice will help you in this:

  1. Unload the game space. An overabundance of toys distracts attention. It is difficult for the baby to single out one thing. Remove some of the game props for a while, narrow the selection to a few.
  2. Develop independence. Let the child choose what you will do, offers the rules of the game. 
  3. Gradually transfer responsibility. First, say the rules of the game out loud yourself, and then ask the kid to show you which game is best suited for certain toys. 

And there are also simple games that will help keep the child busy. We will describe them to you further.

Neskuchny constructorIt's not a new entertainment at all, but it's something you can do with a child on vacation.

Especially if you connect a little imagination. Show that an ordinary constructor can perform other functions besides building towers and garages. Build something useful together: a bookshelf, a house for a pet, a glass for pens and pencils. If you take large blocks, you can build a chair, a gate for playing ball. And to diversify the designer himself, use improvised materials — sponges for dishes, books, plastic cups, matchboxes.

What to do with yourself on vacation

Treasure HuntLooking for treasures is something that you can do on vacation both at home and in nature.

Hide the appropriate props in a secret place. Then draw a map of the area or apartment, mark a point or a path through which you can find the treasure. Hand the diagram to the kid. By the way, if you put the map in a file and draw directly on it, you can use this layout for subsequent games by simply erasing the previous labels.

And if you are planning a vacation, then our video is just for you: "How to relax with children? 3 types of recreation!".Puzzles

Even many adults like this activity.

And this is one of the leisure options when you need to figure out what to do on vacation at home. The weather is non-flying, there is plenty of time, and constant active games are not always appropriate. 

The child will be happy to join such a game if you interest him. Show that in this picture you can see an elephant, but he can't find his trunk, and without his long nose he is sad. To make puzzles more fun, you can use characters that the kid loves.

Writing storiesFor this purpose, you can use ordinary children's pictures with animals or objects, pulling them out in any order.

For each, the child comes up with a sentence describing the character or object depicted on it. All subsequent pictures should complement the story.

What to do during the autumn holidays

Funny webWhat should I do if I'm bored on vacation?

Come up with non-standard games. Find a ball of thread or a long rope at home, pull it between stable objects so that an improvised laser maze is formed. The child will need to crawl in such a way as not to touch the threads and get to the opposite part of the room.

Outdoor gamesAn active lifestyle strengthens the immune system and teaches you to navigate in space.

But the weather is not always conducive to walking, and even more so to games. To keep schoolchildren busy on vacation, it is not necessary to build whole gymnastic corners. For example, you can use ordinary adhesive tape to stick a scheme of classics on the floor.

And you can arrange various children's items on the floor in a line: toys, books, pillows. Explain to the child that all this is a deep river, and the baby needs to jump from one bank to the other and not fall into the water. This game develops endurance and coordination. 

And if you want to find out how the habits and views of a child are formed, then it's worth visiting a free master class for conscious parents: "Complete instructions for raising children up to 11 years old."6 vacation classes for a teenager

What to do during the New Year holidays

It's not so easy to figure out what to do on vacation for a teenager, because he does not always take his parents' advice with joy.

But it is in your power to hint or show by example how to spend time usefully.

Keeping a diaryHow to take a teenager on vacation?

Invite him to keep a diary. To do this, you will need any convenient notebook or notebook. You can record your daily routine, plans and goals in it. This will teach you how to properly manage your time, break large goals into several small ones, and meet your dream every day.

Sports activitiesWhat to do during the holidays so as not to waste time?

School is a great psychological burden on the child's brain, it is unlikely that he will want to study anything new during a well—deserved vacation. But this is a great reason to start or continue to engage in physical development — it is just as important as mental. If a teenager is not a fan of active pastime, advise him at least to exercise.

What to do on vacation

Cooking new dishesWhat to do with a teenager on summer vacation if all the adults are at work?

Ask him to cook something unusual. Just do not turn this into an obligation — to cook the first, second, third and compote daily. 

Approach the matter creatively: ask to look at social networks and choose something. It can be a pastry or a main course. Or maybe your child will want to cook something completely exotic. Let him experiment and fantasize. But do not forget to try everything later and praise the cook.

Participation in the challengeThe most painful question for teenagers is what to do on vacation in the summer.

There are three whole months of life without school / lessons ahead, and this is a great reason for development. For example, you can take part in a challenge. Or launch your own. 

Challenging yourself, it is important to adequately assess your abilities, not to demand sky-high results in the shortest possible time. Examples of such challenges: learn to dance in some style, increase physical endurance, tighten up a foreign language. For motivation, the participant sets a deadline, systematically lays out his progress, fixing the course of development. 

Conducting a photo shootBoth in a big city and in a tiny village there is always at least one picturesque place: a coffee shop, a park, a local landmark.

Invite the teenager to organize a photo shoot together with friends. 

This is a way not only to occupy yourself on vacation, but also to find an exciting hobby or even a profession. To begin with, you do not need to buy expensive equipment or courses. The camera of an ordinary smartphone will do, a little imagination and a cheerful company. Help to post the frames you made on stock photos and see how other users will evaluate your child's work.

What to do with children on vacation in the summer

Reading booksAdolescence is the most difficult in terms of reading.

Parental pressure can completely discourage any desire to read. Ask what is interesting to the child, do not judge if in your youth "they were not fond of this". 

Go to the bookstore together, pick up a couple of books for the first time, and then discuss with the child his impressions of the material read. 

What to do with children during the holidays if reading is worse than torture for them? Suggest starting by listening to podcasts or audiobooks. And maybe you'll like it there.

A sure way to instill a love of reading is to read yourself. A selection of the best publications about education in our article: "TOP 19 books every parent should read."We have told you how and what to do with the children on vacation at home, so that you are calmer and they are happy.

Be patient with your children, listen to their needs, encourage interest — this will help you better understand them and accept them as they are.

The images are taken from the sources: pexels.com , pixabay.com .

December 31, 2021, 2022-11-26, 2021-12-31 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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