How to raise a child as a rich man

How to raise a child as a rich person - Psychology, Interesting, Skills Development

We all dream of a bright and successful future for our children. We want them to find for themselves a favorite business that will bring not only professional satisfaction, but also money. However, we already know from experience that dreams do not always become reality. Therefore, just dreaming will not work. We need to act. 

What children will be like in the future depends on the attitudes that we put in them right now — at the age of 6 to 12 years. It is during this period that a verbal-logical type of thinking is formed, an idea of money and the sources of its receipt is formed. In order for a child to go the right way to success, it is necessary to instill in him financial literacy. How to raise a successful child — read this article. 

Education and success in the future — is there a relationship?A number of stereotypes still live in this issue:

✓ Money can be obtained only by hard work, and studying is also work.

All successful people had a good education.

Diligent study is the key to financial well—being in the future.

Let's go through each of them. The misconception that money is earned hard and for a long time was formed back in the Soviet years.

Then the typical path of a specialist involved many years of work in low-paid positions. And only after 10-15 years with the growth of experience and professional qualities, a person's income could grow slightly, giving him the opportunity to live a little better. 

See also: Psychology of teenagers. Why do they behave like this?Now everything has changed.

A lot of young people under the age of 25 earn their first home, car and travel — and this is a consequence of the global trend of business rejuvenation. Moreover, it is not necessary to plow to get an impressive profit. It is important to have unique skills, to be a criator of ideas, to look at two steps into the future. 

As for successful people, it's enough to look at Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Henry Ford, John Rockefeller — they all had no higher education, and Mark Zuckerberg completed his studies at Harvard being already a millionaire. Draw your own conclusions. 

A successful child

Look at your former classmates: who lives how? Did all the excellent students really succeed? And all the three—year-olds work for pennies? Most likely, there will be a negative answer to both questions. Each of us knows a dozen stories when people with two or three diplomas are forced to work for a penny to feed their family. And vice versa — yesterday's sloppy threesomes settled down well, founded businesses and became respected people in their environment. Why is this happening? 

The fact is that there is no connection between a good education and success in adult life. Other factors affect a person's ability to earn money. And studying and a beautiful diploma are just a small help for a confident start. If there is one, the chance to build a career or start a business will be slightly higher, because the person has a theoretical background. But this in no way means that after graduating from the most prestigious university in the country, your son or daughter will be financially prosperous. And if there is no higher education at all, this is a direct path to the janitors. 

What really affects the success of a child There are two factors that determine whether your child will be able to become rich or at least a wealthy person in the future.

This is self-esteem and attitude to money. On how to raise a successful child, read the advice of a psychologist.

Self-assessmentWho is most likely to achieve success — a lively, active, sociable and self-confident person or a modest quiet man who, although smart, is afraid to declare himself?

The answer is obvious. But even despite the temperament, which is laid down from birth, shyness and shyness do not appear overnight. 

These personality traits grow with us, and already from the age of 4-5, you can notice that the child grows without initiative and even slightly clogged. It will be difficult for such a person in adulthood, because we, adults, know firsthand how important it is to be able to prove ourselves, to present our skills to an employer. 

To form a healthy self-esteem in a child , you need:Watch what you say.

  1. Do not use tragic predictions ("if you fight, you will be put in jail"), do not use an accusatory intonation ("I spent so much money on these trousers, how could you?"), do not make predictions ("yes, with such crooked hands like yours, nothing will ever work out"), do not compare with other children ("but Vasenka is already reading 100 words per minute, and you?!"). 
  2. Praise the child even for small victories. Tell him what a good fellow and a clever girl he is, emphasize his virtues and instill confidence that everything will work out for him.
  3. Give feasible instructions and thank for their fulfillment. Show that his help is needed and important to you. 
  4. Ask the child about his opinion, take into account interests, consider the fact that he may not like something. 
  5. Talk about your love. Show tenderness, care. To be the child's most devoted friend and protector.

How to raise a successful child

Attitude to moneyThe first ideas about what money is, the child receives from his parents.

In older adolescence and adulthood, his views may change, but still the attitudes received in childhood will remain with him almost all his life.

Children understand quite early that money is something important in people's lives. They accompany parents in stores, see the process of exchanging goods for money, ask questions about the cost of toys, etc. It is very important to prepare for the first lessons of financial literacy in order to tell the kid what money is and what place it occupies in a person's life. 

What settings are harmful to your children:1. To earn something, you need to work hard.

 Instead, it is worth explaining to the child that the amount of effort put into earning money does not affect the amount of money in any way.

You can work hard for 12 hours a day, but get a penny. While others work for 3-4 hours and regularly fly to the Maldives to relax.

2. Big money is not for us. We are modest people, low requests, we will live on a regular salary.No matter how much a person earns, you can still spend twice as much.

The main thing is that these expenses are useful, bring pleasure. It is not necessary to initially limit your requests, so as not to complain about small earnings later. It is better to inspire the child that he deserves the best, and this best will definitely happen — everything is in his hands. 

3. You need to constantly save up and buy only the most necessary things.Money is needed in order to spend it.

Instead of senseless hoarding, it is better to set goals and achieve them. Form the child's habit of not just saving money, but collecting specifically for something. And having gathered — to please yourself, having received a charge of emotions and motivation for new goals. As mentioned above, J. Rockefeller, "don't be afraid of big expenses. We should be afraid of small incomes."

4. Only thieves and scammers earn big money.If you put this attitude in the child, he will subconsciously avoid opportunities that will give him a high income.

Because only bad people can have big money, and if he is a good person, then big money is not for him. In fact, there are a lot of ways to earn even big money honestly. Look for such examples among friends or read inspiring success stories of famous personalities. All of them came to wealth thanks to their intelligence and extraordinary abilities. 

5. Money is not the main thing, other things are important. In principle, yes, but without money these things may not be.

Money gives freedom of choice, peace of mind about tomorrow, self-confidence. Such people are interesting to others, they are attracted to them, admired. Having money makes it much easier to become a versatile person, have friends all over the world and live a full, full life. 


In general, all the tips for raising a child as a successful person are reduced to eliminating negative beliefs and increasing self-esteem. Therefore, the question of how to raise a child as a rich person should proceed from this. There is only one difficulty in this: if parents themselves do not consider themselves worthy of good earnings and are in captivity of harmful stereotypes, then they are unlikely to put the right things in the child. Therefore, if you support the misconceptions given in the article, first work on yourself. And the children... the children will still grow up to be like you. Give them the right example! April 27, 2020 2022-11-27 2020-04-27 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article?

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