Hyperactive children: secrets and rules of education

Hyperactive children: secrets and rules of upbringing - Problems, Behavior, Norms of development, Upbringing

The child is inattentive, restless, his mood changes dramatically and no activity is able to captivate him for a long time ... This is how attention deficit hyperactivity disorder manifests itself. Today, in the whole world, it is diagnosed in 11% of school-age children, and this indicator is constantly growing. 

Parents are confused — how to raise a hyperactive child? How to calm him down, arouse interest in games and studies, teach him to restrain his impulses. There are a lot of questions, but you need to start by accepting that the baby is not like other children. And develop a strategy of behavior in accordance with the recommendations of psychologists and teachers on the upbringing of hyperactive children. We will tell you exactly what needs to be done in our article. Features of children with ADHD

Most parents want their children to behave well, study diligently and create a minimum of problems for adults.

This does not happen with ordinary toddlers, let alone hyperactive ones. ADHD is the biggest disappointment for those who dreamed of trouble—free parenting. With such kids, oh, how difficult it is. They need a special approach and a wagon of patience. 

Parents have to listen to comments from kindergarten teachers or school teachers: I got into a fight, ran around the classroom, climbed on a pedestal… A terrible child! However, the reason is not always banal bad manners. In most cases, hurricane children fit the criteria for the diagnosis of ADHD. Even if there is no official conclusion. 

Signs of the syndrome — impulsivity, excessive activity, decreased concentration of attention — are associated with physiology. Therefore, such children require a comprehensive correction: medical, pedagogical, psychological support, as well as active assistance from the family. 

If you give up on a child and do nothing at all, attention deficit and hyperactivity can have a bad effect on his learning and socialization, as well as have long—term consequences (in adulthood) - antisocial behavior, addictions, psychological problems.Learn how to give your child everything he needs for proper development and emotional health - at Dmitry Karpachev's transplant-free online master class "What every parent should know". 

hyperactive child

Causes of hyperactivity ADHD is a neuropsychiatric disorder, that is, an official medical diagnosis that is made by the age of 5-6 years of a child's life.

The reasons for its appearance have not been fully studied, but a direct relationship with problematic pregnancy and childbirth has been traced. 

With the development of prenatal diagnostics and neonatology, humanity has gained the opportunity to care for children with an incomplete nervous system. As a result, some of her dysfunctions can lead to physiological hyperactivity.

With problematic childbirth, children can get injuries to the cervical spine and head, suffer asphyxia and hypoxia. All this can provoke both serious pathologies and attention disorders, disorders of the central nervous system inhibition mechanisms. In any case, after labor stimulation and other problems, a thorough examination of neurology is necessary.

Mistakes in raising a hyperactive childSometimes making an official diagnosis (ADHD) does not solve anything.

Parents simply have no idea what to do with hyperactive children, how to raise them and why to contact psychologists, doctors and correctional teachers. They fall into despair, watching what their children are doing. They punish, accuse, deprive of love and warmth, which are so important for any child. 

What other mistakes do they make: Completely ignore the problem.

  1. Parents refuse to admit that there is something wrong with their child. Even if it is "not so", it is simply corrected and does not harm his full life, development and happy childhood.
  2. Shifting responsibility to kindergarten, school. Parents notice the hyperactivity of the child by about 2-3 years old and try to figure out how to bring him up with this feature in mind. But with a trip to kindergarten or school, there is a temptation to shift the solution to the problem of ADHD to educators or teachers.
  3. Ignorance of your child's strengths. Children with hyperactivity are inquisitive, open to new information, grasp it on the fly. It would be worth taking advantage of this, turning boring cramming lessons into an exciting activity. But the inability of a child with ADHD to sit still for a long time is regarded as an unwillingness to learn, although it is only necessary to change the approach to the presentation of the material a little.
  4. Lack of algorithms. Hyperactive children need clear rules, clear instructions and a daily routine. They themselves cannot organize their day and keep up with everything, and parents miss the opportunity to correct the manifestations of ADHD by such a simple and affordable means.
  5. Dependence on someone else's opinion. Parents, under the influence of the public, turn into opposition to their own children, who do not behave as society and family expect them to.

Learn how not to make mistakes in the upbringing of a child, which 90% of parents make - at Dmitry Karpachev's transplant-free online master class "What every parent should know".Right now, click on the "Register" button and get a gift.

10 tips on how to raise hyperactive children


To correct the manifestations of ADHD, systematic and long-term work will be required.

Parents need to adhere to certain rules of interaction with children, be consistent and fair. It takes effort, but the result will not take long to wait — academic performance will increase, and complaints about bad behavior will become less. 

So, tips on how to raise a child with ADHD:A system of rewards and restrictions.

  1. The child must clearly understand what he will be punished for and what is encouraged by the parents. It is impossible to punish for the same offense today and praise tomorrow.
  2. "No" to physical impact. A relationship with a child should not be based on fear. Your key to success is trust, support and understanding. 
  3. The right punishments. Children with attention deficit are insensitive to adult screams and notations. They are not interested in listening to them. But if you still need to punish for the offense, use more effective methods: deprivation of gadgets or sweets, additional housework.
  4. Feasible and regular tasks. The child must have responsibilities that must be performed daily. This will teach him self-control and weaken his impulsivity.
  5. Anger management techniques. Hyperactive children in anger can push, throw objects that came to hand. A timely reaction (to distract attention) or a technique of complacency, if the parents are not around, will help to prevent the "storm". The child takes 10 deep breaths and gradually calms down.
  6. Communication with a limited number of children. The best company for a child with ADHD is 1-2 friends. Large children's groups can overwork him, provoke hysteria. It is better to invite children home — so parents can keep the situation under control.
  7. Study at will. The child should know what lessons should be done, but what exactly to do, at what point and with what breaks — give him the right to choose. 
  8. The right to any assessment. Do not scold the child for low academic performance. You will achieve nothing except rejecting the very idea of learning. It is better to work hard on interesting subjects, and do a sufficient minimum for the rest.
  9. Energy consumption. Hyperactive children should not be forbidden to move. On the contrary, it is necessary to contribute in every possible way to the release of accumulated energy. A sports section, dancing is suitable for this.
  10. Hobby. Find a hobby that will interest the child and allow him to achieve some success among friends (skateboarding, construction, breakdancing). Praise and delight from the environment will be an incentive to show diligence in other areas of activity.

Also read: How to develop logical thinking in a childHow to calm a hyperactive child

how to raise a child with ADHD

The strong-willed efforts of the child and his parents are not always enough to keep hyperactivity under control.

In this case, it is worth resorting to home sedatives. 

A bath with extracts of hop cones and pine needles will relax the child, set him up for a sound sleep, help to relieve the tension accumulated during the day. The water should not be hot — no higher than 37 degrees. 

A decoction of medicinal herbs will help strengthen the nervous system, remove stress. Children can be given tea from chamomile, mint, lemon balm, and also prepare a drink from cranberries, aloe juice and honey. You need to drink it three times a day for at least 1-2 months.

Massage will relieve muscle tension, which is directly related to internal tension. The child will become more balanced, focused, his blood circulation will improve. The massage technique should include light stroking, stretching the muscles, but without intense exposure. Focus on the back and collar area. 


It is necessary to look for approaches to children with hyperactivity. Be on their side. Become the most loyal friend and loyal defender. Only by feeling the support of relatives, the child gradually adapts to the rules of behavior in society, and the manifestations of ADHD will decrease to a minimum. February 3, 2021 2022-11-27 2021-02-03 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article?

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