What is environmental education and what is its purpose

What is environmental education and what is its purpose - Education, Child and society, Skills development, Behavior

Saving the Earth from the destructive impact of anthropogenic factors depends on whether adults can form ecological thinking in children. 

Elements of environmental education are being actively introduced in kindergarten, but in order to consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained, it is necessary to raise environmental issues in the family. What parents can do for their part — read in our article. Goals and objectives of environmental education of preschoolers

The urbanization of society has led to the fact that people have gradually ceased to consider themselves a part of nature.

But an abandoned garbage bag in the forest is not just a nasty act, but a mechanism that triggers a chain of certain events. Events with a negative context for our planet. 

Researchers of the Mariana Trench found a plastic bag at a depth of 10 thousand meters — an amazing find for this place. By the way, more than a third of what was lifted from the depths of the depression was microplastic. And at a depth of 6 thousand m. there is even more of it — about half of the total collected mass for research. 

To prove to a child the relevance of environmental problems, it is not enough to educate him with respect for nature. Systematic educational work is important, the essence of which is the formation of ecological thinking based on an active life position. And the sooner you start, the better. 

The age of 3-6 years — the time of intensive cognition of the surrounding world — is optimal for the start of eco-education. 

Tasks of ecological education of preschoolers:to acquaint with nature, its phenomena, the peculiarities of the interaction of the animal and plant worlds;

  • to form causal relationships between human actions and consequences for nature;
  • to create an idea of the diversity of elements of the biosphere and ways to protect them;
  • to instill skills of ecological behavior in different natural locations (in the forest, on the water, etc.);
  • direct the child's natural curiosity to the eco-sphere.

The main goal of ecological education of preschoolers is the formation of a responsible attitude to the resources of the planet. And not in the theoretical plane, but in practice — in everyday life.

Conversations about ecologyThe child pulled the battery out of the toy and threw it in the trash.

It would seem that well done — he did not throw it under his feet, he keeps the room clean. But what is the fate of this battery, he will not think. Until his parents tell him about it. 

Conversations about ecology should not be divorced from the context of the situation. Take a couple of minutes to explain to your baby why you should not throw batteries in the trash. Use a simple chain of events:

The battery ends up in a landfill → corrosion corrodes its body → mercury, cadmium get into the groundwater → soil and reservoirs are poisoned with toxic substances.

Real—life examples are the most accessible form of environmental education for preschool children, but far from the only one.

Also read: How to talk to a child about children and adults with special needs Walks and excursions


Even an ordinary walk in the park will help the child to learn more about ecology.

Pay his attention to what trees are growing around, in what condition they are, how the leaves are removed, whether there are feeders for birds and squirrels, whether there are enough trash baskets near the benches, etc. 

A trip to nature is another way to combine business with pleasure. You can arrange a garbage collection competition: each participant is awarded a package, who collects more garbage in 10 minutes, he won. 

Acquaintance with flora and fauna can be continued by visiting the Natural history museum with a child. There he learns about endangered or already extinct species of animals and plants. Such an excursion fits perfectly into the concept of ecological education of preschoolers, since the main reason for species entering the Red Book is human activity.

Rules of behavior in natureGo from theory to practice — introduce the child to the rules of behavior in nature:

✓ You can not mindlessly tear plants, break tree branches, knock down mushrooms with shoes (even inedible ones).

For the ecosystem of a forest, park or coastal zone, every element of it is valuable. 

Of particular interest to pests are butterflies, grasshoppers and dragonflies. People catch them and kill them out of curiosity. They looked at it and threw it away. But in fact, hunting these insects is no different from poaching. 

Berries, nuts and other fruits of trees and shrubs are food not only for humans, but also for animals and birds. Collect them so as not to damage the branches, and also leave some to our smaller brothers. 

It is better to build a fire on the site of an old fire pit. And after that, be sure to extinguish, pour water over the firebrands, cover with earth and carefully tamper.

All the garbage that remains after the picnic should be thrown out in specially designated places. Even organic matter (leftover food) is better thrown into a container with garbage than scattered at the picnic site.

It is necessary to treat animals with respect. Hedgehogs or squirrels, no matter how funny they are, are not toys. They should not be taken home, especially if they are hedgehogs or squirrels. In an unfamiliar environment, the animal will die or get sick. 

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The game "What did he do?"


Practical methods of ecological education of preschoolers include the analysis of real situations of irresponsible behavior towards the environment. 

The child saw how in the park a man with stones dispersed a flock of pigeons that were pecking at bread crumbs. Discuss this situation. Tell your child why people feed the birds. And then ask him:

  • What did the man do?
  • Is it possible to scare birds away from food?
  • Do I need to help the birds?

An example from real situations of abuse of nature and its inhabitants will help your child to form critical thinking and an active life position. 

9 tips for environmental education of childrenThe easiest way to introduce children to the principles of environmental protection is to introduce eco—philosophy into the life of the family.

Explain to the child the reason and meaning of your actions so that he understands the clear relationship between human actions and the consequences for nature.

  1. Give up supermarket bags. A great alternative is a reusable fabric bag, paper packaging bags.
  2. Sort the garbage.
  3. Save water, electricity and gas. Tell your child about the importance of rational consumption of resources. Explain how an energy-saving light bulb differs from a regular one.
  4. Have separate containers or boxes for specific waste — batteries, accumulators, light bulbs, etc. 
  5. If you have a cottage, use food waste to fertilize the soil. 
  6. Give preference to glass containers instead of plastic. 
  7. Switch the equipment to energy-saving mode, turn off all appliances (except the refrigerator) if you leave the house for a long time.
  8. Give up overconsumption. Instead of 10 pairs of jeans, limit yourself to two. Give new life to old things. 
  9. Use household chemicals with an organic composition or at least without surfactants that pose a direct threat to human health. 


Ecological education of children of middle and senior preschool age will help to form in them such qualities as humanity, emotional responsiveness and curiosity. Help your child to truly love the world in which he lives.

February 16, 2021 2022-11-27 2021-02-16 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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