Rules of behavior in public places for children

Rules of behavior in public places for children - Behavior, Child and society, Education

Let's talk about the rules of behavior in public places. Do you observe them? And your children? Have you been able to convey to them the importance of good manners?

In our article, we will try to figure out why norms of social interaction are needed, and also list the basic rules of behavior for children in public places.Why do we need rules and why is it important to follow them

The existence of society and the interaction of people in it is subject to rules.

The official ones are fixed by law, the unofficial ones are dictated by the norms of morality and ethics. Most of the rules of behavior in public places are instilled by parents to their children. And the rest either exist behind the scenes, or are regulated by the internal order of institutions / institutions. 

Everyday norms, as well as generally accepted rules of behavior, resemble the conditions of the game. They tell a person what actions he can do and which are not worth it.

If a person does not "play by the rules", he risks facing the consequences:violated discipline at school — will receive an entry in the diary;

  • does not know how to communicate politely with people — learns what social isolation is;
  • ignores the rules of behavior in the institution — the administration may refuse service;
  • if he broke the law, he will go to court.

It is important that all people follow the rules. Then the relationship between them will be more orderly, predictable. By analogy with traffic regulations: Clause 1.4 states that every road user has the right to expect that other participants will adhere to these rules.

Also read: What is environmental education and what is its purposeGood manners 

The culture of behavior in public places includes not only restrictions, but also desired actions, that is, rules of etiquette.

Today, many of them are considered obsolete:men do not let the ladies go ahead;

  • a woman can pay her bill in a cafe;
  • younger people may not give way to older people in transport.

But in order to leave a pleasant impression about yourself and get a reputation as a cultured person, you can't do without good manners. As the English philosopher F. wrote Bacon, "manners reveal manners, just as a dress reveals a waist."

What does etiquette include:norms of polite communication;

  • principles of subordination;
  • ways of appropriate mutual assistance;
  • official rules (how to behave in a particular place).

There is another classification according to which etiquette can be family, canteen, corporate and even network. All this variety of rules and regulations is difficult to study at the same time. It is better to choose the natural way of instilling manners — gradually, starting from early childhood.

Learn how to raise a child so that he follows the rules that you set for him — at Dmitry Karpachev's transplant-free online master class "What every parent should know". 

etiquette in public places

Norms of behavior in different placesOfficial etiquette is a set of officially approved and generally accepted rules of behavior in public places.

You can get acquainted with the approved rules directly at the place you plan to visit.

Generally accepted rules are usually not written anywhere, but you can learn about them from open sources:read etiquette books;

  • find information on the web about how to behave while visiting a certain place;
  • take a course of training in official etiquette;
  • ask someone who has already visited these places many times.

Let's look at the basic rules of behavior in society for children in the context of the most popular places to visit.

At school:You need to come to lessons 10-15 minutes before the start.

  • The appearance of the student is regulated by the charter of the school.
  • During recess, you can not run in the corridors, all activities are in the fresh air.
  • Students should take care of school property.
  • When meeting with teachers, school administration and staff, you need to say hello.
  • The appeal to the staff of the school is to "you", by name and patronymic.
  • During the lesson, you can not shout from the spot, you need to raise your hand and wait until the teacher gives you the opportunity to answer.
  • You cannot get up from your seat, walk around the classroom, or leave it without the teacher's permission.

Learn how to raise a child so that he follows your rules without protests and tantrums - at Dmitry Karpachev's free online master class "What every parent should know".Right now, click on the "Register" button and get a gift.

In transport:


First you need to release the passengers and only then go in yourself.

  • At the entrance, you need to take off your backpack.
  • Do not crowd at the door, it is better to go deep into the cabin.
  • Pensioners, pregnant women, and people with disabilities need to give way. For women of any age — at will.
  • You can not talk loudly, listen to music without headphones, go into transport with food.

In the cinema, theater, circus:It is necessary to take their places before the start of the film / performance / performance.

  • In the theater, it is unacceptable to enter the hall after the 3rd bell.
  • It's better not to eat or drink during the session, but if you can't do without a bucket of popcorn in the cinema, then you need to keep your place clean.
  • When exiting, move along the row with your back to the screen/stage.
  • Do not comment on what is happening, laugh loudly, yawn, sneeze, cough.
  • The phone should be switched to silent mode (without vibration), and the screen brightness should be reduced to a minimum.
  • In the theater and circus, it is customary to wait for the artists to bow.

On a visit:You need to adhere to the rules of the house you visited.

  • You can not come to visit without an invitation. Asking for a visit is also not worth it.
  • They do not come to visit empty-handed, even if it is a friendly visit, not a holiday.
  • You can help yourself to food only after the invitation of the hosts. But you can ask for a drink.
  • You can't run around the house, touch other people's things.

In the shop:The cart is designed for shopping, not for children's fun.

  • It is forbidden to dirty, crumple, tear the goods or their packaging. Including those that will then go to the checkout. The barcode on the package may be damaged, which will complicate the cashier's work.
  • You can not run between the rows with shelves (you can knock over the goods).
  • Shouting, loud laughter and other sounds that attract attention and interfere with other visitors are unacceptable in the store.

On the playground:A swing, slide or carousel is not personal property, so you can not occupy it for too long.

  • You need to ride in the order of the queue. 
  • You can not spoil the infrastructure of the site, dirty them, outline them.
  • Older children can, but are not required to give way to younger ones. 
  • You need to ask permission before sitting on someone else's children's transport (bicycle, running bike).
  • You can not pour sand on other children, as well as pour it outside the sandbox.
  • A child is not obliged to share his things with other children if he does not want to.

The rules of etiquette in public places are so diverse that it is impossible to list them all. Even if the child is prepared to visit a variety of places, this cannot fully prevent awkward situations.

But there is nothing wrong with such mistakes. It is important to behave correctly: apologize, correct the situation (as far as possible) and try not to allow violations of the norms of behavior in the future.

Rules of etiquette in public places

How to explain the rules to childrenChildren need rules.

They help to streamline their lives, teach them to act according to a certain algorithm, and also realize responsibility for non-compliance. Therefore, if there are certain rules in the family literally from birth, then there will be no difficulties with instilling norms of behavior in society.

However, one should not hope that absolutely all the rules voiced by parents will be learned. After all, it is very important to submit them correctly:✓ Understood.

The child should clearly understand why this rule exists, what it means and why it is so important to adhere to it. 

✓ Timely. It is better to familiarize the child with the rules of behavior in advance, and then repeat in the context of the situation (on the spot).

✓ Age-sensitive. It is hardly possible to expect from a three-year-old the same level of awareness of behavior as from a schoolboy. 

✓ Without violence. It is not necessary to force a child to adhere to the rules if he simply cannot do it. 

✓ With a personal example. It is impossible to teach a child to the rules of behavior in public places if his relatives do not adhere to them themselves. 


Compliance with the norms of behavior is a mutual curtsey of the members of society. If you treat each other with respect and do not break the established rules, then life will become a little easier and more pleasant. Explain this to the children and try to live by the same principle yourself. March 26, 2021 2022-11-27 2021-03-26 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article?

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