Art therapy for children: the benefits of the psychological method

Art therapy for children: the benefits of the psychological method - Problems, Psychology, Education, Skills development

Few people have not heard about one of the most popular psychotherapeutic techniques for children — art therapy. This is a whole complex of fascinating creative activities that allow you to identify, analyze and correct almost any psychological problem. 

What is the secret of the effectiveness of art therapy and for what age is it suitable? Read the answers to these and other questions in our article. 

The Healing Power of ArtThe term "art therapy" in the generally accepted meaning was introduced in 1915 by the American Margaret Naumburg.

She opened an art school where she explored the self-expression of children through creativity. Later, Margaret became the author of many books on art therapy, which attracted the attention of participants of well-known psychological communities to this topic. Later, the idea of using art therapy was picked up by psychologists and educators.

Today, art therapy is a popular psychotherapeutic technique that allows using art to explore the emotional sphere of a person, identify the causes of stress, as well as work out self-esteem, relieve symptoms of anxiety, depression. 

Art therapy is actively used in working with children, helps to analyze their behavioral problems, developmental disorders, emotional experiences. 

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Despite the fact that art therapy classes are held in a very comfortable mode and resemble ordinary creative activities, the technique has proven itself well in terms of achieving psychotherapeutic effects.


With the help of art therapy, you can:strengthen the child's self-esteem;

  • improve his relationship with his loved ones;
  • adjust behavior;
  • socialize;
  • teach to cope with negative situations;
  • accept yourself, your shortcomings, features;
  • express deeply hidden feelings.

Art therapy classes will help children with various mental and behavioral disorders to make progress in development, learn to express their individuality through art and find the strengths of the personality. 

Children quickly immerse themselves in the game, actively interact with the art therapist. During group sessions, they acquire the necessary social skills, learn to communicate with peers, express a wide range of emotions, and create creative alliances.

Art therapy is an indispensable assistant in the process of cognitive, emotional, physical and creative development of a child.

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Art therapy for preschoolers

Like any other psychotherapeutic technique, art therapy takes into account the age characteristics of children.

They influence the choice of the type of classes, the interpretation of the results, and the tactics of communication with a psychologist. 

For children 2-4 years old, exercises with tactile and eye contact are used. The materials should be bright, attention—grabbing, and the tasks should be simple, fascinating.

Art therapy for preschoolers 4-6 years old should include exercises during which imaginative thinking is applied. After all, it is at this age that children are called dreamers. To work out children's fears and anxieties, you can use fairy tale therapy. And as the plot develops, include mobile tasks (dancing, running, jumping). 

At the age of 7-10 years, children are passionate about designing, they have developed spatial thinking. Therefore, you can offer your child to make a dollhouse out of a notebook or build a spaceship out of cardboard. Working with small details will increase concentration, calm down, set up a confidential conversation. 

Teenagers aged 11-15 are difficult to get carried away with fairy tales or modeling from plasticine. They will be more creative tasks, exercises for imagination. You can ask to write a poem, listen to and discuss music, draw your own portrait.

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Types of therapeutic exercises


The choice of occupation depends on three factors — the age of the child, his preferences and the problem that needs to be dealt with.

Let's look at the most interesting art therapy practices that are used in working with children.

1. Creating masks. This lesson will help to reveal the true emotions of the child, to express what does not work in words.

To create a mask, you will need:

  • blank paper mache or plain paper;
  • paints;
  • water-based acrylic varnish.

Invite your child to paint a mask, depicting some emotion or reflecting his inner world on it. When the drawing is finished, the mask surface can be varnished to preserve the brightness of the shades. If the mask turned out to be in an aggressive or gloomy style (an expression of fear, anxiety, sadness), then after the lesson it can be symbolically burned or cut and thrown away. 

2. Modeling, modeling.Working with a soft mass for modeling not only develops fine motor skills, but also allows you to show imagination and increase concentration.

For the lesson , you will need:

  • plaster mass for creating sculptures;
  • as a substitute — plasticine.

Ask your child to create a sculptural composition called "My Family". The location and detail of the figures will indicate the attitude of the child to each of the family members.

3. Lesson with postcards.It helps to express hidden emotions, develop imagination, collect thoughts and prepare for an important conversation / event.

Suitable for both individual and group art therapy sessions. 

What will be required:

  • postcard template (blank sheet on one side, lines for writing text on the other);
  • pencils, markers, paints.

Ask the child to think about the person who angers or upsets him. On the empty side of the postcard, you will need to draw your feelings. On the back — write words that are difficult to express.

4. Sand fantasies.Sand games help to analyze the child's condition, the level of his mental development, as well as to determine the source of stress.


For the exercise you will need:

  • multicolored or ordinary sand;
  • the capacity for the game is large, but with low sides;
  • molds, shovels, buckets.

Announce the theme of the game or the task — for example, to portray your mood. The psychologist observes the actions of the child. Does not direct him, but only analyzes what he says, asks unobtrusive questions.

5. Doodles.The author of the exercise is psychiatrist D. Winnicott in English.

Suitable for both young children and teenagers, adults. 

What you will need:

  • sheets of paper;
  • pencil or pen.

Ask the child to close his eyes and draw a doodle. Then try to examine some images in chaotic squiggles. You can finish the missing details to get a clearer image.

The exercise helps to assess the child's level of development, his imagination, sociability, and also help to identify and overcome internal conflicts. 


Even if your child does not have any special psychological problems, a few sessions with an art therapist will not be superfluous. Who knows, maybe they will help to reveal the hidden creative potential that will allow the child to find his vocation and succeed.

On April 29, 2021, 2022-11-27, 2021-04-29 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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