How to wake up a child correctly: tips for parents

How to wake up a child correctly: tips for parents - Interesting, Psychology, Behavior, Education

Getting a child out of bed in the morning can be very difficult. Little dormice can either pitifully wrap themselves in a blanket, begging for another minute of sweet sleep, or get annoyed, spoiling the whole family's mood. To simplify their lives, parents come up with clever ways to wake up the child correctly. All of them are very individual, so we advise you to try a few — for sure something will work.Why do children wake up badly

We will immediately discard the most obvious reason — a lost schedule.

This is when children flirt in the evenings, or do homework for a long time, or can't sleep until they watch an interesting movie… Instead of 22:00, they go to bed at best by midnight.

It is extremely important for the child's body to "pour out" the prescribed norm. Otherwise, you should not expect productive studies or just habitual activity the whole next day. What amount of sleep is optimal for children of different ages:

  • From birth to 1 year — about 20 hours.
  • From one and a half to 3 years — 16 hours.
  • From 4 to 6 years — 13 hours.
  • From 7 to 9 years — 11 hours.
  • From 10 to 12 years — 10 hours.
  • From 13 to 16 years — 9 hours.

Scientists believe that the chronotype of a person, that is, an individual feature of biological rhythms, is laid down genetically. This means that it will not be possible to influence him radically. But still, children have busy weekdays, and no matter how much the "owls" would like, they have to live in the rhythm of the "lark". 

Why does the child wake up hard, if it doesn't seem to be an "owl", and went to bed on time:✓ Does not want to go to school/kindergarten.

An unpleasant association arises with unloved places. The child understands that he cannot refuse it (especially if it is about school), feels annoyed and even regards it as violence. 

✓ The day before, I was very overworked, I experienced stress, I did my homework for a long time and intensively. In such a situation, the age-appropriate time for sleep will not be enough. If possible, give the child a good night's sleep. Even at the expense of skipping the first lesson. 

✓ Does not like or is afraid of morning awakening rituals. Sometimes parents can choose very strange methods to wake up a child — to pull him out of bed by his leg, pick up a blanket, turn on bright lights or loud music, loudly call for awakening. These rituals are becoming a daily nightmare for children. 

✓ Too lazy to do morning chores — exercise, shower, breakfast, etc. Perceives them as a duty, a parental whim. 

Do you want to find out how to choose a method of education that is right for your child? Then register - at Dmitry Karpachev's transplant-free online master class "What every parent should know". How does the reluctance to get up manifest itself

how to wake up a child correctly

Each child is different, respectively, protests against morning awakenings are diverse.

Some children pretend to be asleep, even if they perfectly hear the alarm clock ringing and the voice of mom/dad. Others beg for another minute to sleep. Still others start to get nervous, throw slippers and express their dissatisfaction. And the fourth burst into tears from resentment for not being able to stay in bed. 

Usually after some time the child comes to his senses, but if the need to get out of bed causes a violent protest, then there may be difficulties not only with waking up. It's hard to make such a capricious person go to the bathroom, do exercises, eat and get dressed. He will not voluntarily pack a backpack to school, comb his hair and look for lost gloves. Any action can take place, as they say, from under the stick. And this is very annoying for parents.

In the morning turmoil, that's just what the child's whims were missing. Adults quickly lose patience, can yell at a stubborn person, send him out of the house without breakfast or in home clothes (as punishment or under the influence of emotions). 

The mood deteriorates in all households, especially if such "concerts" take place every morning. This time of day becomes extremely stressful and unpleasant, so it is important to know how to wake up a child in the morning without tears, tantrums and whims.

 how to wake up a child correctly

Awakening with joy: 15 tips for parentsStart by analyzing your mistakes.

Think about it, maybe something in your behavior does not suit the child. And it is only necessary to change tactics, as the problem itself will be solved. For example, do you wake him up too actively, loudly and persistently? Don't you give him 10 alarm clocks with a nasty ringing? 

If you don't do anything like that, then you'll have to come up with some clever move to get Sonya out of bed. Take advantage of our tips.

Time to take a napAlways leave 10-20 spare minutes for the child to lie in bed, wake up calmly and at the same time not be late anywhere.


A warm robeIn the cold season, it can be very uncomfortable to get out from under the covers.

In this case, buy a fluffy fleece bathrobe for your child, which is so nice to wrap up in. And to it — cool slippers. 

Correct content Turn on a short cartoon or video that will attract the child's attention and make them finally wake up.

He will probably want to see what is happening on the screen, which means that he will get out from under the blanket faster. Also read: How watching cartoons affects a child's psychePleasant alarm clock melody

Choose the most calm, melodious, quiet alarm sound.

This is very important, because unpleasant and harsh sounds seem to signal danger — a person wakes up in stress. But if an adult quickly comes to his senses and realizes that this is just an alarm clock, then such sounds can seriously frighten a child.

SunlightIn spring, early autumn and, of course, in summer, this is the easiest.

Do not cover the windows with thick curtains or blinds. So in the morning the room will be filled with natural light, and the biological mechanisms that are responsible for awakening will start in the child's body. 

Delicious smellsTry to get up early and make breakfast.

The aroma of coffee and pastries will lift even the most avid dormouse to his feet. The smell of citrus oils, basil, ginger also invigorates perfectly. Buy an ultrasonic diffuser, add a few drops of essential oil to the water and turn it on in the nursery in the morning.

Affectionate greetingHug the child, say hello to him quietly, wish him a good day, sing a song, tell him what you dreamed.

Communicate calmly, kindly. Don't remind me to hurry. Let the first minutes after waking up be filled with positivity. 

Learn how to be the best parent for your child - at Dmitry Karpachev's transplant-free online master class "What every parent should know".Right now, click on the "Register" button and get a gift.



Slow, and then more energetic stroking on the hands and feet of the child helps to wake up perfectly.

You can massage your hands and fingers and toes. Do "stretching" right in bed, there are even special exercises of "recumbent" gymnastics.

ChargingIf you manage to pull the child off the bed, try to attract him to charging.

Choose fast and versatile complexes that you can make together. Literally 5-10 minutes of vigorous charging is enough to make the drowsiness go away. 

Water treatmentsA shower or at least washing with cool water will quickly bring your "owl" to life.

They say that it is enough to moisten only your hands with cold water to wake up. 

how to wake up a child in the morning

An invigorating drinkIt is not recommended to give coffee to children under 10 years old, but a cup of tea that invigorates no less will be by the way

. Teenagers can make coffee with milk, cappuccino, latte or some other interesting drink. If your family loves coffee, spend money on a good coffee machine. Morning coffee drinking can solve the problem of waking up all household members. 

Healthy breakfastEven if you yourself are used to not having breakfast, children should have something to eat in the morning.

In kindergartens or schools, they do not always feed tasty, and glucose is needed to start the brain processes responsible for learning. Come up with some interesting and healthy breakfasts, fortunately, there are plenty of recipes on the Web.

Small tricksIt's easy enough to interest young children.

For example: "Oh, I lost a delicious candy somewhere yesterday. And in my opinion, it's under your bed, can you help me get it?". Of course, your trick should not be unfounded — give the child a candy and let him eat it after breakfast. 

Thorough preparationIf difficulties with waking up appeared due to the disorganization of the child and haste, then try to prepare as much as possible from the evening - put textbooks and notebooks in a backpack, choose clothes, clean shoes.

Best friendsIt is good if there is a cat or a dog in the house.

These are the most pleasant "alarm clocks". Just invite the animal to lie down next to the baby. Soon he will feel the presence of a furry friend, will want to stroke him and wake up.


If, despite your efforts, the child whines after waking up, do not get annoyed, do not give up. Your benevolent attitude should set him up to fight morning apathy. June 29, 2021 2022-11-27 2021-06-29 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article?

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