Indigo Children: who are they and what to do with them

Indigo Children: who they are and what to do with them - Interesting, Behavior, Upbringing, Child and society

The phenomenon of indigo children was first described by American Nancy Ann Tapp. She decided to photograph the auras of children who were diagnosed with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) by psychotherapists, and found an unusual blue-purple shade — indigo in the photos of some of them. This was the impetus for a lot of research: what kind of children are they, and why do they have such an aura. 

Who is indigo? Today it is known that people with such an aura are endowed with certain characteristics — they have a high level of spirituality and it is unknown how they acquired knowledge about the world. The DNA of such people has a special structure, and the way they interact with the outside world differs from the behavior of an ordinary person. 

In our article we will consider the features of the indigo child and approaches to education.

Indigo Children: who is itScientists call indigo children a modernized project of humanity.

In the future, these are gifted people who are able to change reality and make the world a better place. 

Do you want to know if your child fits the definition? Take a small test to determine the signs of indigo children by answering "yes"/"no" to the following questions:Is your child confident and even arrogant somewhere?

  1. Are you lost in your thoughts?
  2. Demanding of yourself and other people?
  3. Astute — sees situations and other people a little deeper than you?
  4. Doesn't like to obey?
  5. Does he rebel if something is imposed on him?
  6. Expresses innovative ideas?
  7. Has creative abilities?
  8. Acutely perceives the shortcomings of other people?
  9. Does not compromise?
  10. Likes to be alone?
  11. Is it easy to oppose the opinion of a group of other people/children?
  12. Recognizes lies, manipulations?
  13. Impatient, always in a hurry somewhere?
  14. Annoyed if you have to wait for someone?

If most of the answers are positive, you should read the detailed signs of indigo children to get to know and understand your child better.

Indigo kids how to find out

Congenital hyperactivityIndigo children are restless, they show hyperactivity literally from birth.

Such a child sleeps little, eats poorly, likes to be played with for a long time and carried in his arms. Some mothers can rock a baby for 2-3 hours until he falls asleep. 

An indigo child may already be different from other children in infancy. Doctors diagnose such children with increased tone, neuropathologists attribute sedatives, and grandmothers pronounce the verdict: "Jinxed!". 

In fact, any intervention (psychological, medical) will only exacerbate the negative features of the indigo child.

Suppressed activity may result in not the best things in the future. Therefore, it is better to let the child run out and make noise at a young age, so as not to wait for unpleasant surprises later. 

Lords of the WorldIndigo children with all their appearance demonstrate a kind of royalty, privilege.

And they behave in accordance with this feeling. They are the masters of this world, they have no authority, it is simply impossible to command them.Also read: Indigo Kids: who are they and what to do with themParents try different ways to influence such a child, but inevitably come to the conclusion that everything is in vain.

The standard principles of parenting in the case of indigo simply do not work. To earn the respect of such a child, it is necessary to recognize his exclusivity. 

"No" to any restrictionsIf the mother insistently demands from the indigo child an explanation of his act, he will receive in response a set of lengthy arguments or silence at all.

The indigo child does not consider it necessary to report and coordinate his actions with adults. He sincerely does not understand why this should be done.

Freedom of choice for indigo children is of paramount importance. They do not tolerate any restrictions, all moral frameworks and social norms are amenable to criticism and careful revision.

And if indigo does not find a rational explanation for any rule /restriction, then attempts to force him to comply will be futile.

Indigo Baby

Movement against the systemGoing against the current is the usual state of an indigo child.

He does not perceive traditions and rules, but prefers creative initiative. It is very difficult to make such a child diligently sit at his desk during a boring lesson.

Others negatively evaluate this behavior. They explain this by lack of education, disrespect.

But the reason for the indigo child's disobedience is that he does not obey the rules, he creates them.

In his head, everything is smooth and clear, but only in accordance with the system he built himself. And he is simply not interested in external systems. Freedom and lack of authority are the credo of the indigo generation. 

Indigo in the collectiveIf an indigo child finds himself in the company of ordinary children, he is unlikely to want to be friends with any of them.

Indigo is interested in themselves, well, or the same children. 

Not finding "brothers in mind", such a child closes himself in, feels that no one in this company understands him. He manages to build social ties with great difficulty. 

Sometimes indigo children are attacked by their peers. The way out of this situation will be communication among creative children, individualists, athletes — those who are passionate about any business and are focused on their own achievements. 

Also, it is useful for an indigo child to communicate with older children - they are no longer interested in teasing a baby, but he will be extremely interesting to them as an interlocutor. Such children are beyond their years reasonable, can give good advice or help to look at the problem from a different angle.

indigo children signs

Emotions and feelings of the child-indigoAt a younger age, these children are very afraid of death, the loss of loved ones.

They are extremely sensitive to other people's emotions and do not hide their own well.

The indigo child's gaze is almost always directed inward - his own thoughts and emotions interest him much more than others'.

But at the same time, he will repeat to his mother a hundred times how much he loves her, which disarms and causes emotion.

Also, indigos are very sensitive to violence against themselves, other people, and animals. If a child is told that it is impossible to tear the leaves because it hurts the tree, he may even cry because he will feel this pain.

indigo signs

Preferred training formatThere is no place for such children in a standard school because of a formal, average approach and strict discipline.

It will be much better for them in schools working according to alternative educational methods:Waldorf School — the emphasis is on the connection of man with nature.

  • Children are taught the skills of caring for plants and animals, they are taught to understand themselves through communication with the outside world.
  • Montessori is an individual approach to learning. The child gets knowledge in the process of developing games, performs interesting tasks, and is engaged in creativity. An adult only observes the process and intervenes only when difficulties arise.
  • Democratic schools (for example, Sudbury) — without a class-based system, assessment of knowledge and strict discipline control. The children themselves choose the subjects they are interested in and complete the study groups themselves — they choose friends with similar interests. 

In many European countries, as well as in the USA, there are schools for parents of indigo children. They teach them to better understand their children, adapt them to society and reveal their talents.

Indigo child: features of upbringingParents need to forget about standard approaches to parenting and adapt to the needs and desires of their unique child

. This will help with a list of things that should not be done in relation to indigo children:Restrict independence, initiative and freedom of choice.

  • The child will actively protest against any oppression of his will. 
  • Punish. Everything an indigo child does is correct by default. You can convince him otherwise only with a calm and friendly tone, examples and detailed explanations.
  • Nurture a genius. Despite the obvious talents, indigo children, like ordinary children, should have a full-fledged childhood. Parents should not realize their ambitions through a unique child.
  • To praise. Indigo children already have high self-esteem, so you should not reinforce it with empty compliments. But you are always welcome to praise and encourage for real achievements.
  • Destroy individuality. This is not only harmful, but also completely useless. Attempts to drive the indigo child into strict rules and impose restrictions will end only with protests on his part. 
  • Humiliate. An indigo child will not forgive humiliation. It will be a long time to conceal a grudge that destroys relations with the family. 
  • Lie. Developed intuition will allow the indigo child to quickly bring the wrong parent to clean water. If this happens again, he will stop trusting his family. 
  • To make. It is better to ask, justify your request, give time to think about it, but not force it to be fulfilled. 
  • Limit creativity. Although this is impossible: talented indigo children will always find a way to realize their gift, even if their parents do not help them.


American psychotherapist, author of books about indigo children Doreen Virtue once said: "For me, these children are the answers to all prayers for peace." Scientists have not yet fully studied the phenomenon of the indigo aura, but if you have just such a child, consider it a great happiness. After all, there is no doubt that these are people of the future. June 18, 2020 2022-11-26 2020-06-18 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article?

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