What a child needs to know by the 1st grade: list of requirements

What a child needs to know by the 1st grade: list of requirements - Child and society, Skills development, Education, Preparation for school

The requirements for admission to the first grade may vary depending on the school, its prestige or the bias of knowledge. In some schools, children undergo the first interview in their lives, where they are asked to read, count, tell or show something. In others, there is no strict selection, but if a child does not have a base, it will be difficult for him to understand the school curriculum.

This article is about what a child should know when entering the 1st grade. About the minimum that is needed for comfortable learning.

Requirements for a child who goes to the 1st grade

Twenty years ago, it was enough for a future first grader to be able to read syllables and count to ten. Some schools took untrained children, but there are fewer such cases.

With the rapid development of scientific and technological progress, children also develop faster, so the requirements for them are growing.

Below is a list of what a child in the 1st grade should be able to do. Prepared baby:

  1. He talks about himself, about his family, about the country. He can give his full name, including his surname and patronymic. To name the names of parents, grandparents. The child knows the profession of the parents. He knows his native country, city, house address, floor, apartment number.
  2. Familiar with nature. Knows what a dandelion, tulip, rose and other common flowers look like. Calls animals and insects, distinguishes birds, fish. The child understands how the nose differs from the beak, feathers from wool, and paws from wings. He knows how wild animals differ from domestic animals and names both. Distinguishes the names of adult animals and their cubs: cat-kitten, dog-puppy, horse-foal. He also focuses on fruits, berries, vegetables. He knows what grows in the garden, what grows in the field, what grows on a bush or on the ground, and what grows on a tree. Distinguishes fruits by color. It will not be superfluous to know indoor plants, some stones and minerals. He also knows about the planets: that the sun is a star and the moon is its satellite.
  3. He will tell you what a calendar is and about natural phenomena. Understands that there are four seasons and how they change each other. He names the month from which the year begins and how many there are in total. Knows how many days in a month. Calls natural phenomena: wind, thunderstorm, drought. He says what happens to nature at different times of the year: birds fly away in autumn, it snows in winter, flowers bloom in spring, berries ripen in summer. He tells about the actions of people: they harvest in autumn, skate in winter, plant a vegetable garden in spring, swim in the sea in summer.
  4. Speaks freely about the world of things. Calls transport: ground and underground, sea and underwater, air. He knows the items of dishes and furniture, clothes and shoes.
  5. Oriented in time and space. Distinguishes left and right, top and bottom, front and back, earlier and later. Can touch the left ear and right knee. Remembers how to cross the street correctly. Understands the time of day, how many hours in a day. Knows the days of the week and how many of them.
  6. I am familiar with the social life of people. Names professions, sports. Can voice the main holidays. He talks about his hobbies. Understands what money is.
  7. Compares, repeats, remembers. Can distinguish the shapes of objects: circle, square, triangle, oval. Does not confuse a circle with an oval and a ball. He knows how to guess riddles. Finds the excess on the basis of: carrots, potatoes, strawberries, cabbage. He removes strawberries because they are not vegetables and explains his choice. He finds differences between objects, copies simple patterns, can memorize a sentence of up to 6 words, knows rhymes. Uses glue and scissors, makes applications. Can compose a story based on images.
  8. Counts. Up to 10 and back. Inserts the missing digits. Understands what "equally", "less", "more" means. Compares objects by length, height, width. Knows how to divide equally, solves simple problems about apples.
  9. Is reading. Distinguishes letters and sounds, and vowels from consonants. Easily selects words for the right letter. Reads a sentence of up to six words and understands what it's about. Breaks the word into syllables.
  10. Writes and draws. Holds the pen and pencil correctly. Writes simple sentences of 3-4 words. Draws the drawing along the contour, does not take the pen off the paper. Can finish half of the drawing. Does not climb over the line when coloring a drawing. Can draw a simple geometric shape. It will easily copy the shape by cells.

You need to start training about two years before admission.

You can send your child to preparatory courses or study with him on your own. It is best to develop a child through play. Count cats on the street, make Christmas toys for the Christmas tree together. Do not resort to intimidation: "If you do not learn a verse, you will not go to the trampoline." In this way, the child will create a connection between unpleasant sensations and learning.

Read also: Psychological readiness of a child for school: preparation criteria

What else should be taken into account when preparing a child for school?

Having the listed knowledge, it will be easier for the child to adapt to the school curriculum. It is also important for parents to prepare him psychologically.

The first thing a child needs to know by the 1st grade is the objects that will surround him there. He must be familiar with the blackboard, the desk, the classroom. With personal items: school uniform, briefcase, diary, notebooks, pencil case. Try playing "school" with him at home. Let him seat his toys and teach them a lesson. You need to gradually get used to the school environment.

The second and most important thing is social skills. Of course, the child will develop them at school, but he must go to the first grade already having a base.

  • He knows how to communicate, understands what is good and bad.

  • He is not afraid to contact peers and adults, defends his position without aggression. At the same time, without excessive timidity: he calmly and confidently conveys his opinion.

  • He knows why he goes to school, what it gives him.

  • The child understands what the rules are and why they need to be followed.

  • He strives for independence, it will not be a problem for him to assemble a portfolio himself or to control the completion of homework.

Most of all, your baby is waiting for parental support.

Especially if he did not go to kindergarten and he rarely had contact with large groups of children.

March 25, 2020 2022-11-27 2020-03-25 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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