What to give a child for his birthday

What to give a child for a birthday is interesting

The Internet is full of selections from 20-50-80 gift options for children of all ages. But on the eve of the next holiday, you are traditionally puzzled: what should I give my child for his birthday? 

In our article you will not find the names of gifts, because it is very difficult to give universal advice that your child will like. But we will consider in detail the question of how to approach the search for a gift. So that he certainly liked and remembered for many years. Let's go!

Is it worth asking the child what he wants The easiest and faultless way to choose the perfect gift is to ask the birthday boy.

But it's more suitable for teenagers who know exactly what they want. Moreover, they can not just describe the coveted gift to the smallest detail, but also tell you where to buy it. This approach greatly simplifies life, isn't it?

But with smaller children it won't work that way: kids under 3 years old just don't know what they want, what it looks like and what it's called.

  • Moreover, they don't quite understand the meaning of the words "birthday" and "gift" yet, so it's not worth asking anything on this topic.;
  • children 4-6 years old believe in a fairy tale, it is not the gift itself that is important to them, but the feeling of an approaching holiday. They already know that there will be some kind of surprise, and they enjoy this anticipation. It is better not to ask a question about a gift, because this will negate all the magic of the moment of delivery;
  • children 7-10 years old are the hardest to please. They cannot yet correlate their desires with the capabilities of their parents. Therefore, you risk getting an order that you simply cannot fulfill. And this will be followed by disappointment from the "wrong" gift. 

What is your child interested in?Children's hobbies change, the younger the child, the more often.

Today he dreams of being a doctor and looks with delight at colorful playsets with stethoscopes and thermometers. Tomorrow — a pilot with the appropriate set of game attributes. Do not rush to buy a gift for a child's momentary hobby, because the chance to guess is extremely small compared to the probability of making a mistake.Also read: How to celebrate a child's birthday  With age, the inner world of the child changes, accordingly, his hobbies and hobbies change.

Teenagers are more stable in their interests, their concentration on a certain type of activity is higher. Therefore, it is not so difficult to choose suitable gifts for them. Be guided by the novelties of the sphere, look at the reviews of bloggers on YouTube, spy among the requests of the child in the search engine — perhaps he has already looked for something new for himself. All you have to do is buy it and hand it over.

What to give a child for his birthday

Partisan pollingYou can find out about the desired gift without even asking the birthday boy directly.

There are several ways:Watch the child.

  1. What does he do in his free time? Dancing — buy him a portable speaker, singing — karaoke microphone or karaoke machine, drawing - a professional easel and a set of paints, playing games - PlayStation, etc.
  2. An object of admiration. You can predict the desires of a child even by his enthusiastic look. For example, seeing the admiration of children riding skateboards in the park, parents can not even puzzle over a gift. A colorful skate will be a pleasant surprise for the holiday.
  3. Make assumptions and look at the reaction of the child. Inspired — a great gift option. For example: "Masha, have you seen the new Enchantimals yet? Do you like this doll?". 
  4. It's even easier with kids: "What kind of toys do you dream of?". All the voiced options are suitable as a gift. And the 4-year-old is unlikely to be able to correlate your question with the upcoming birthday.
  5. Remember what the child talks about after kindergarten / school. I praised a friend's new scooter — perhaps he will be glad of the same. And it's not hard to find out the model from a friend's mom. 

Original gift deliveryIn addition to choosing the gift itself, we advise you to think about the moment of its delivery.

After all, creating a festive atmosphere will cheer up both you and the child, which means that the birthday will surely be remembered for a long time.

The classic technique is an armful of helium balloons. Order or make yourself a figure of balls in the form of a figure — the age of the child. There are even whole compositions of floating balloons, as well as balloons with funny inscriptions. Teenagers will appreciate ironic congratulations on balloons, and kids will appreciate balloons in the form of their favorite characters. 

Attach a bouquet of flowers to the girl's gift. Decorate the room with flowers — thanks to life hacks from the web, you can make paper garlands of snow-white chrysanthemums, asters and peonies yourself. Arm yourself with corrugated paper of different shades, scissors, glue and create an original addition to the gift with your own hands.

Pack the present in beautiful paper, tie a bow, colorful ribbons. The moment of unpacking is a great plot for a festive shoot. Well, you can make a little joke — pack a trivial object in a box (for example, a pot or frying pan), and then hand over a real gift. 

Candy bars are popular. Usually they are ordered for a children's party, but even if you have a modest family celebration in your plans, a set of sweets will certainly not be superfluous. Choose the ones that your child likes, and let him eat a little more than normal on this day. On a holiday, you can.

Take care of the music. At the time of delivery, turn on either the usual Happy Birthday to You, or other festive compositions:

  • Alina Grosu "Birthday";"Ladushki", "Birthday";
  • "Restless", "Birthday";
  • "Talisman", "Festive evening";
  • "Fairy Tale", "Birthday";
  • Alina Kukushkina, "Birthday";
  • Katy Perry, «Birthday»;
  • Good Charlotte, «Like It's Her Birthday».
  • Do you want to surprise your child for real?

Invite animators who will present a gift in a playful way. Buy fireworks or firecrackers. Arrange a quest — search for a gift based on your suggestions. You can order an unusual delivery — a courier in a fairy-tale character costume. 

Older children will be happy to have a surprise party when nothing seems to be going on, the child comes into the room, and friends and relatives are waiting for him there.

What to give to a child

What to do if the child is not happy with the giftIt happens that all the efforts of parents have gone to waste — the child is dissatisfied with the gift.

He can demonstrate disappointment or formally thank, portray joy, but it will still be visible that he is upset. What should parents do in this case?

The most important thing is not to scold him for it in any case, not to get upset yourself and not to curtail the holiday. Yes, you have spent a lot of effort to organize all this, but alas, the result is not always predictable. Your reaction should depend on how the child shows dissatisfaction:

✓ Immediately put the gift aside — this way he lets you know that he wanted something completely different. Perhaps you ignored his requests and chose a gift to suit your taste? If so, talk to the child. Say that you understand that you made a wrong choice, but you can correct the situation. For example, return a gift to the store and choose what the child wants. If you acted according to the interests and tastes of the child, then try to find out what exactly did not please the gift, because he wanted it so much. A calm conversation will shed light on the cause of dissatisfaction and you will be able to find a compromise (replace the gift, give it or leave it, but eventually buy something else).

✓ Listlessly plays with a gift, and after a couple of days forgets about it — the problem may lie in the changeable tastes of children, as we wrote at the beginning of the article. It is hardly possible to do anything about it, because it is impossible to predict the reaction of a child who dreams of one thing today and another tomorrow. The only advice is to buy him some gifts next time. Let it be inexpensive, but in accordance with his interests. At least one thing the kid will definitely like.

✓ Expresses dissatisfaction with the cost of the gift, color and other parameters — it is worth explaining that you chose such a gift for a reason, but for a specific reason. For example, because there was only such a color in the store, or your budget did not allow you to choose something else. A normal explanation without trying to shame the child for his emotions will help smooth out the situation, and perhaps, after looking at the gift with different eyes, he will still be happy with it.

*****The best advice to parents on what to give for a birthday is to be aware of your child's desires, to be interested in his opinion and tastes, to be, as they say, in his world. Then you will definitely not have any difficulties finding gifts.

May 25, 2020 2022-11-26 2020-05-25 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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