What influences the formation of a child's character

What influences the formation of a child's character - upbringing, development norms, skill development, behavior

The most famous psychologists, physiologists and teachers studied the process of character formation in children. 3. Freud, K. Jung, A. Adler, A. Beck, N. Lossky, P. Lesgaft, A. Nechaev, and others described various factors that influenced this process. However, all theoretical constructions boil down to the fact that a child's character is determined by three main components — heredity, temperament, and the environment in which he grows up.

In this article, we will look at each of them, as well as deal with the participation of other important factors — education, daily routine and sports. Let's go!

Can I inherit a character

Modern research in the field of genetics has repeatedly refuted the myth that it is possible to inherit from parents. However, some of a person's personality traits are linked to their genome. For example, children may inherit parental sociability, a love of certain activities (such as traveling or fishing), irritability, and even political preferences.

But here the question already arises: what influences the formation of a child's character to a greater extent — genetics or upbringing? It is noteworthy that in every aspect of the individual there is both. However, if education is able to separately form a certain trait of character, then genetics "works" only in connection with education.

In 2010, scientists investigated the "altruism gene" OXTR, or rather, a set of its variants. People who were carriers of the two options had the trait of complaining to others about their problems. Carriers of the third option kept their problems to themselves more, but at the same time they could complain about life if the situation contributed to revelations. Roughly speaking, the OXTR gene determines a person's tendency to whine. And whether he shows this predisposition depends on the social environment.

By the way, education may not contain genetics in terms of the formation of personality characteristics. It can both strengthen them and modify them. Therefore, you should not sin on bad heredity. Even if it exists, correction by upbringing will bear fruit.

The games we play

Children perceive life as a kind of game, and all cognitive processes in them are inextricably linked with play activities. That is why advanced pedagogical techniques include game elements in any type of activity-learning, creativity, development.

The games we play largely determine what kind of people we become. The game not only develops certain skills, but also lays the foundations for a worldview.

Watch your child:

  • How does she behave in the game?
  • Is she an organizer (leader) or an ordinary participant (performer)?
  • How well does she handle the game?
  • How fast does the rules work?
  • How long does the game hold her attention?
  • How does the child feel about their failures during the game?
  • How does he relate to other people's failures?

The choice of games and behavior in them will provide guidelines in which direction your child's character is formed.

Can I inherit a character

Is it possible to change the character of a child with upbringing

The main elements of education are the development of the individual, the creation of optimal conditions for the child's self — determination, socialization and the introduction of moral attitudes. In this regard, among the goals of education, there is no change in the child's character. On the contrary, it is necessary to take care of the characteristics of the individual, because if you go against his interests, you can significantly slow down development, impose complexes.

In the process of parenting, parents may notice the formation of new character traits of the child, both positive and negative. The former open up new horizons of opportunities for her, while the latter set additional tasks for her parents. What can be done with unwanted character traits in a child:

  • adjust;
  • soften;
  • compensate;
  • translate it in the right direction, and so on.

For example, vulnerability should not be suppressed, but compensated for by developing friendliness. Optionality can be mitigated by generosity. And correct your short temper with relaxation and attention switching techniques.

Moral and ethical standards

The child learns from adults not only habits and behaviors, but also basic values. Moreover, this process takes place in any case-regardless of whether parents will focus on cultural, spiritual and moral issues.

Children absorb the norms of morality and Ethics in the background.

You can repeat to your child 100 times that you need to be fair, but just a few times it is enough for you to act unfairly, as all the words said earlier will no longer carry weight.

If you allow yourself to raise your voice to your parents, and then teach your child to respect their elders, there will be no result. If you pass by a hungry kitten indifferently, and then think enthusiastically about the need to help our smaller Brothers — the child will not believe you. If you cheat yourself and then demand honesty, you won't get it.

The spiritual and moral aspect of Education directly affects the formation of a child's character, since it is the basis for the formation of the most important personality qualities.

Is it possible to change the character of a child with upbringing

The relationship between character and temperament

Many people compare, and more often confuse, the concepts of "character" and "temperament". According to the generally accepted definition, temperament is one of the components of character. This is an individual complex of psychodynamic features that determine human behavior.

Both of these concepts are directly related to the physiological characteristics and emotional sphere of the child. But if you visualize their interaction, it will look like this:

Features of the nervous system → temperament → character

That is, it is physiology that has the primary influence on character, but it does not act directly, but through a complex of mental properties.

If you ask the question of how many years the character of a particular child is formed, then first you need to understand whether his temperament has finally formed.

The peculiarity of the interaction of character and temperament

Such character traits as poise, inertia, mobility and curiosity are determined precisely by temperament. But here it is important to understand the logic of interaction — if certain features of temperament determine the development of certain character traits, this means that children with the same temperament will have similar characters.

A choleric child can be both an energetic creator and a neurasthenic destroyer.

A sanguine child can be either an inquisitive optimist or a lazy "nehochukha".

A phlegmatic child can be either an inquisitive researcher or a slow silent person.

A melancholic child can be either a subtle romantic or a stubborn pessimist.

After the process of character formation is completed, temperament gradually ceases to be a form of personality manifestation. It becomes, rather, a measure of the speed of mental processes. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate an adult only from the point of view of temperament characteristics. There are already many other superstructures in her character that can both argue with her temperament and completely suppress it.

Sport and character

Sports have a positive effect on the formation of a child's character. It helps to develop such traits as endurance, diligence, the ability to achieve results and not despair in case of defeats.

It is very important to choose the right sport. Focus both on the characteristics of the child's character and on the goal that you have set. For example, it is better not to give an individualistic brawler to martial arts, but to introduce him to group classes (football, basketball, etc.). These sports will help him realize the value of team play and the importance of managing emotions.

Here are some tips for choosing a sport depending on the child's character:

Speed and power sports, swimming and short-distance running, skiing, tennis, gymnastics, and snowboarding are suitable for an extrovert.

An introvert will be closer to cyclical sports (athletics, swimming, cycling, running).

Children with labile minds are recommended wellness classes without the competition component: yoga, fitness, swimming.

Asthenics will find themselves in sports related to movement: football, skiing, running, sports walking, athletics.

Hyperthymic children (overactive) will show themselves in martial arts (Aikido, karate, taekwondo).

For children with a conformal character, when the opinion and mood of the majority are crucial, any team sports competitions are suitable: football, volleyball, basketball, handball, hockey.

character and temperament of the child

Mode and character

The daily routine is important for the harmonious development of the child. It helps to organize the rhythm of life, complete all the planned tasks without unnecessary fuss.

Do not forget that the character of the child begins to form from birth, so you need to get used to the regime as early as possible, and by the age of 3, Life on a schedule will become a good habit.

Food, sleep, educational activities, games, walks, hygiene procedures — all this should happen with a certain regularity. If you do not deviate from the regime, after a while you will notice pleasant changes in the child's character. It will get bigger:

  • balanced;
  • cheerful;
  • collected;
  • cheerful;
  • focused.

Gradually, the child's biorhythms will adjust to the regime and you will forget about morning tantrums and irritated crying after a lunch nap. The problem of lack of appetite will also disappear.

If you change your usual routine due to attending kindergarten or school, set aside a few weeks to adapt.


The following words belong to the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus:: "Character determines the fate of a person". Such a simple truth leads to reasonable reflections on whether we pay enough attention to the analysis of children's character. After all, if their future life really depends on this, then it is worth learning more about what exactly and how it affects it. I hope our article helped you answer these questions.

August 16, 2022 2022-11-26 2022-08-16 rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share in social networks

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