How to inspire children with art

How to inspire Children with Art - Skill Development, Education, Interesting, Child and Society

Art can be an asset for your children. And not only in terms of getting a promising job. These are good opportunities for self-expression. A child who is passionate about music, dancing or singing has a better developed speech, motor skills, decision—making skills and outlook. But how to talk to children about art, how to engage them from an early age? In this article we have collected some tips.Art and child development

It is important to distinguish the concept of "talent" from "creativity" — a child does not have to create a masterpiece to get a meaningful artistic experience.

In art for children, the most valuable is the process of creation — research, discovery and experimentation. Thanks to self-expression and creativity, the child's skills will develop naturally.

Do not forget that there are different directions in creativity, each of which helps to hone a certain talent. Here's what can help to uncover each of them:

  • Music develops intellectual, auditory, sensory, speech abilities and motor skills. It helps to establish relationships with other children and relax.
  • Literature is responsible for cognitive skills such as memory, imagination.
  • Painting develops fine motor skills. Increases self-esteem, teaches you to express your feelings and emotions.
  • You can learn such important values as respect and tolerance with the help of theater. It allows children to put themselves in the place of the characters, to live their experience.
  • Dance is movement and physical expression. It has a positive effect on physical development, social and creative abilities, and is also useful for emotional intelligence.

Introducing children to art

How to captivate a child with artIt is better to start exploring the world of art with a visit to the theater, an exhibition, a concert.

This will give the child the opportunity to make his own impression, which you can discuss together later. If you want your son or daughter to become interested in art, pay attention to how you give them information about it. 

How to talk to children about art? When discussing impressions, speak in simple words, do not overload the child with information.

Your task now is to interest, not prepare for the exam.

Visit art classes, ceramics studio, children's museums, theaters, halls for decorative art or dance, which have additional space and equipment for work. This will allow the child to meet enthusiastic people. 

Next, you need to give your child the opportunity to try different ways of self-expression. Get used to this process gradually and without pressure. Take note of these ways to help children fall in love with art.

Speak enthusiastically, but simplyFind picture books about art on the shelves of the library, read them together.

Keep in mind that literature must be age-appropriate, otherwise the child will be bored. 

After visiting a museum, gallery or theater, explain to your child in simple words what you feel when you look at a picture or listen to music, ask for his opinion, but do not criticize his vision, do not turn your conversation into an academic lecture. Tell an interesting story from the life of an actor, musician or singer. It should be simple and clear.

The role of art in the development of children

Encourage experimentationYou need to tell children about art from an early age.

Introduce them to works in different genres, but give them the opportunity to implement their ideas. If you notice that the child is moving to the beat of the music or singing along, arrange a concert at home. Enroll your son or daughter in a dance or drama club. 

At the same time, keep in mind that talented children are often reluctant to respond to instructions, preferring to follow their own muse rather than "work" on a given project. Let them do it. Your task is to offer various materials, let them choose for themselves. 

Sometimes the best way to combine art and child development is to give the opportunity to explore, study and experiment. 

And if you want to know how the habits and views of children are formed, and how to raise a child correctly, we advise you to attend the master class "What every parent should know".Embed creative projects into everyday life

If you recently went to the theater or to an exhibition, your child will most likely want to repeat a scene from a play or a picture.

Do not prevent this, embed such manifestations of art in everyday life. 

Arrange a free space for creativity. Bring chalk or a music speaker to the playground so your child can draw or dance when tired of the swing. Look for objects on the beach or in the woods, bring them home so that your son or daughter can make a collage or sculpture out of them. 

Draw parallels — compare the baby's work with what you saw in the theater or in the gallery.

Find differences and similarities together, discuss, but do not criticize. This will help the child to translate the concept of "art" from the theoretical and, therefore, incomprehensible, alien — into a practical, that is, understandable channel.

Don't become an art criticIf you want your child to fall in love with great art, give him an installation: creativity arises when things do not go according to plan.

Give an example from the life of famous poets, artists or ballet dancers. Assure that sometimes doing something "wrong" is normal. 

Children can be self-critical, reserved in their work, they may be afraid to fail. Do not criticize the artwork, performances, or acting of the child. Let him know that he can freely try different things without feeling pressure from you. 

Instill great art in children from an early age. It helps to develop creativity, the ability to solve problems, broadens horizons. By studying art, a child learns to understand and accept himself, the people around him and his inner world. 

We also advise you to watch the video "How to raise a successful child? Rules for parents" to find out how to help a son or daughter self-actualize in life.The images are taken from: , .

January 13, 2022 2022-11-26 2022-01-13 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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