How to develop fine motor skills of hands in a child and why it is needed

How to develop fine motor skills of hands in a child and why it is necessary - Interesting, Skill development

Fine motor skills are coordinated work of fingers and hands. The movements have a short amplitude, purposeful, precise.  Parents often hear about the need to develop fine motor skills. But why ? What effect will such classes bring and how to conduct them?

Why do I need to develop fine motor skillsThe human brain is arranged in such a way that in the motor area of the speech zone and the projection of the hands are located side by side.

Hence the relationship can be traced: the faster the movements of the hand and fingers develop, the better the child's speech becomes. It can be said that motor skills play a crucial role in the process of mastering the functions of the speech apparatus. 

Group classes on the development of fine motor skills contribute to the socialization of the child. They are held in a playful way, fascinating and informative. During such training, children learn behavioral patterns, social norms and psychological attitudes. They gain invaluable skills to perceive and process information, which will later allow them to study well at school. 

Calligraphy will also improve academic performance, which is simply impossible without the active development of fine motor skills. A child with a developed brush holds a pen more confidently and will be able to enter all the necessary strokes for writing letters. 

Read also: 10 ways to quickly calm a crying baby

The development of fine motor skills has a positive effect not only on speech, but also on imagination, cognitive function, observation, memory (visual and auditory). That is, we can talk about the comprehensive development of the child with the help of methods of influencing the motor functions of the hand. 

Fine motor skills

How does fine motor skills developThe motor skills of a five-year-old and a baby are significantly different.

Babies are still learning to control the handles, having only a grasping reflex in their arsenal. Later, it transforms into a purposeful gesture that will allow the child to reach for his favorite rattle, and then — to stand on his feet. 

In infancy, fine motor skills develop due to tactile perception. The kid is happy to hold his fingers on objects with different textures and learns to recognize information that is transmitted through sensations. At this time, a powerful foundation is being laid for further development and a full life, because the ability to feel the texture of an object with our fingertips allows us to navigate in the dark, play musical instruments, etc. 

  • By the end of the first year of life, the baby firmly holds small objects, knocks toys on a hard surface, knows how to lay out and assemble a pyramid. 
  • From 2 to 3 years old, palm movements are actively developing, and there is also a grip of the object with the index finger and thumb. 
  • At 3-4 years of age, the baby's brush movements are coordinated and aimed at solving a specific task. He can draw, sculpt, button and unbutton clothes for a long time.
  • From the age of 5, a child can easily cope with a zipper, ties shoelaces on shoes, can untie a knot on his own, works with scissors, draws smooth lines and geometric shapes. 

When should I start developing fine motor skillsSince birth.

During the first month of life, the baby's hands are almost constantly clenched into fists due to hypertension. Over the next 2-3 months, the palm gradually unbends. To speed up this process and relieve overstrain, you should massage the handles, paying special attention to the palms. However, do not overdo it with unclenching the cam — it should be done easily, effortlessly and only if the baby does not mind. 

Rub your palm, brush, bend your fingers alternately, massage the joints, shake the handle in the air. Repeat the massage daily at the same time, preferably in the morning. 

When the baby learns to grab the rattles or hold your finger, gently pull it (or the toy), as if taking it away. Let him learn to control the brush and train the grip strength. Over time, when the hypertonus is completely gone, you can start playing with jokes: "Ladushki", "Magpie-crow", "Horned Goat", etc. They are not only very popular with children, but also develop fine motor skills — the first purposeful movements with a brush and fingers appear. 

And then everything depends on the imagination, motivation and the availability of free time for parents.

Games for the development of fine motor skills  

Games for the development of fine motor skillsIt is known that any science presented in a playful way is a joy.

And the development of motor functions is no exception. We recommend alternating activities so that the child does not get bored with classes, for example, one day = one exercise. Or master one kind until the child becomes good at it, and then take up another. 

What kind of games will help develop fine motor skills?

Drawing with fingersBuy finger paints, a large sheet of paper and spread it out in front of the child.

Show him how you can draw by dipping your fingers alternately in paint and water, leave colorful palm prints, make waves, circles, dots on paper. It doesn't matter if the crumb gets dirty with paint — its composition is completely safe for the skin. But it is better for a young artist to dress in something suitable - it is unknown whether the paint stains are washed off.

ModelingYou can sculpt from plasticine, dough, polymer clay, etc.

There are whole sets for modeling different figures and creating three-dimensional paintings. Involve the whole family in this activity, sculpt stories from cartoons, act out scenes with figurines of characters. 

LacingYou can buy ready-made toys, books with lacing.

They are made of wood or thick cardboard, differ in a variety of options for fastening laces, the presence of beads, ties and other elements. You can make a lacing toy yourself. To do this, use a drill to punch several holes in the board and "lace up" them with bright laces. During the game, give the task to the kid to untangle the shoelaces before the specified time expires. 

CerealsA mixture of cereals of different varieties is an excellent teaching aid.

You can stuff a small pad with it, which the child will knead with his fingers, you can make a three-dimensional picture using glue, or arrange a dry pool for pens. You can also mix two types of cereals (for example, peas and buckwheat) and race to separate one variety from the other. 

Paper craftsThis includes applications, origami, scrapbooking, quilling, and just cutting out snowflakes for the New Year holidays.

Children love to tinker with paper, this is the most "grateful" material for crafts. In addition, it is multi-textured: embossed, silky, metallic, porous, matte, glossy paper, corrugated cardboard, etc. During these classes, you will develop not only fine motor skills in the child, but also artistic taste, imagination, creativity. 

WeavingThis activity is for older children — from 5 years old.

You can weave jewelry, toys, decor. Popular materials for weaving: beads, laces, beads, small rubber bands. Develop an accessory design together with your child, draw a color scheme. Time the weaving to a certain date. For example, for grandma's birthday, and then give her an original gift. 

PuzzlesIn addition to the classic ones, there are three-dimensional (3d), textured (velour, cork, wood, Japanese paper), holographic and fluorescent puzzles.

The size of the pieces and the picture determines the complexity of the work. The higher it is, the stronger the developing effect. The main thing is that the child is interested in the plot of the image. 

Shadow and puppet theatersTo play with shadows, you do not need any devices — just fold the figures with your fingers and play scenes with the child.

For a puppet show, you will need props in the form of toys worn on your hand. You can sew them yourself — there are enough examples of patterns on the web. 

CookingHelping adults with cooking is a very effective method of developing fine motor skills

. There is always something to do in the kitchen: sculpt something from dough, peel boiled eggs from the shell, sort berries. In addition, the help of a little cook is relevant every day and does not require additional time. Just sit the child somewhere nearby, give a feasible task and do the cooking.


In her book "The development of fine motor skills in children 3-5 years old" A.V. Artemyeva writes:

"In the process of work ... it should be ensured that all exercises bring joy, are performed easily, without excessive tension of the muscles of the hands. All instructions are given in a friendly tone, calmly, without unnecessary words. If necessary, children are assisted." 

The author emphasizes that classes should be held on a positive basis, taking into account the wishes of the baby. It is not necessary to force him to study — it is better to postpone the exercise for later. Regularity, reasonableness and an integrated approach are the key to success on the way to the development of fine motor skills in a child. 

April 23, 2020 2022-11-27 2020-04-23 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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