Safety rules for children: on the street, at home, at school

Safety rules for children: on the street, at home, at school - Education, Child and society, Interesting

Parents take care and protect the child from birth, surround them with warmth and care, create comfortable, safe living conditions. They are nearby, trying not to leave the child unattended. But the baby grows up, and there comes a moment when he goes to the store on his own for the first time, goes to school or stays at home without adults. It is a difficult stage, but it is easy to prepare for it, knowing the safety rules for children. We will tell you about them in our article.Safety rules at school

It is forbidden to run around the school premises.

  1. It is forbidden to open windows and climb on window sills.
  2. You can not be in the utility rooms.
  3. During lessons, you need to be in the classrooms.
  4. You cannot leave the school building.
  5. Do not bring explosive items to school.
  6. It is forbidden to behave aggressively.

These are the basic requirements for behavior at school, which students must strictly adhere to. Let's focus on each in more detail.

Safety rules on the street

It is forbidden to run around the school premisesThese are children!

They are mobile, active, can't sit still. Yes, let them run. Only in physical education class. And at recess they rest, communicate, and prepare for the next lesson. Then there will be no broken noses, knees, there will be fewer complaints about classmates to class teachers and parents.

It is forbidden to open windows and climb on window sillsAnd also go down the railing, climb up to the attic, the roof of the school building.

When there are about a thousand people studying at school, and teachers are physically unable to keep track of everyone at recess, it is important that the child strictly follows this rule. So that there is no thought of breaking it. The task of an adult is to explain correctly and in an accessible way. You can fall out of a window, fall off a roof, and at best it will be very painful, at worst it will be sad.

You can not be in the utility roomsGoing to the back rooms, sitting in boiler rooms is not just a violation of the rules, it is life–threatening.

In the boiler room, you can get burned, get an electric shock, in the basement – break an arm, a leg, and just get scared. Explain calmly, using simple and accessible examples.

During lessons, you need to be in the classroomsWhere did this rule come from?

Why do we hear about him so often that sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity: the child is not allowed to go to the toilet in class. Unfortunately, there are too many cases when the teacher allows you to go out during the lesson, and the child violates the rules, gets injured, goes outside the school. Adult's task: to explain the importance of observing safety rules at school. Because the responsibility for any injury that a student has received during school time falls on the shoulders of adults.

You cannot leave the school buildingOur moms and dads could safely leave school, citing indisposition.

In modern children, such a number does not pass. They should inform their parents that they want to leave the lessons, and the parents, respectively, should pick up the child. And believe me, the number of passes for disrespectful reasons has significantly decreased, and it has become much easier to control the safety of students.

It is forbidden to bring explosive objects to schoolAgain, a rule that needs to be remembered and strictly observed.

Firecrackers are not only an element of the New Year's holiday, but also a dangerous toy. Very dangerous! You can be left without eyes, fingers, hands simply because you wanted to fool around in front of classmates. Try to calmly explain this to the child, without raising your voice, without intimidating. If it doesn't work, show proof. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them on the Internet.

It is forbidden to behave aggressivelyConflicts arise, there is nowhere without them in the school team.

It is important to teach a son or daughter to react correctly to the comments of classmates, offensive expressions, jokes and other actions of peers. Do not be impertinent in response, do not provoke aggression. Try to calmly solve the issue yourself, and if not, ask for help from the class teacher, teachers. The topic of bullying at school is now on the radar. Sometimes the conflict cannot be resolved without the intervention of adults. It is important that the child trusts his parents and, in case of a difficult situation, can share.

You can't talk to strangers

Safety rules on the street for childrenYou can't talk to strangers.

  1. You can't help a stranger on the street.
  2. You can't get into the elevator with strangers.
  3. Cross the roadway only at a pedestrian crossing.
  4. You can't pet or tease animals on the street.

How to protect a child on the street when you send for bread, let him walk in the yard, allow him to go from school unaccompanied by adults? The rules for the safety of children's behavior on the street come to the rescue, which you periodically talk about with the child, repeat, remind, bring them to automatism. So you can be calm for your child in situations when you can't be around.

You can learn more about how to raise a child without tears and scandals during Dmitry A's 3-day free master class "What every parent should know".

You can't talk to strangersCalmly explain to the child how a conversation with a stranger can end.

Under the mask of a cute uncle with a kitten in his arms or a nice woman, a criminal may be hiding in the car. It is necessary to tell parents or close adults about them.

You can't help a stranger on the street"What if a person is really calling for help?" the child will ask and will be partially right.

Cases when a person suddenly becomes ill on the street are not uncommon, but adults who need to be called should help. It will immediately become clear if the person really got into trouble or planned evil.

You can not enter the elevator with strangersIt is better to wait until suspicious people leave, or wait for a neighbor who went to the store.

Not every stranger is dangerous, but if something is alarming the child, it is better to be safe. Otherwise, you can be left without a phone, money that parents gave to school, get serious mental or physical injuries.

How to teach a child to defend himself from manipulators and other abusers, read the article: How to protect a child from bad influence from other people.

Cross the roadway only at a pedestrian crossingThe rule of safety on the street for children, which every student knows about.

But it will not be superfluous to periodically remind you that even at a pedestrian crossing you need to be careful, look around and be sure to take the headphones out of your ears. "Zebra" is not always a guarantee of safe crossing of the roadway. If a child returns from school, after a circle at night, an additional element of safety on the road should be reflective elements on clothes, briefcase, so that drivers can see him from afar.

You can not pet, tease animals on the streetAnimals living on the street can be aggressive and react inadequately to any touch, they can bite, pounce.

Most of them are carriers of dangerous diseases: rabies, toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis. It is better not to touch a stray dog or cat once again, and even more so not to tease them. The same applies to a pack of stray dogs: do not come close, do not throw stones, do not make sudden movements, do not run away – it is impossible to predict the reaction of animals.

Home safety rules for childrenYou can't open the door to strangers.

  1. Do not use medications without adult supervision.
  2. You can not open the window wide open and lean out.
  3. Do not leave the gas or electric stove unattended.
  4. It is necessary to know by heart the emergency phone numbers.

What to do if a child is afraid of loneliness also read in the article: A child is afraid to stay alone at home: reasons and tips for parents.

You can't open the door to strangersThe basic rule that a child should remember.

Anyone can be behind the door: they came to check the meter, you flooded the neighbors, the postman brought a parcel. Adults are not at home, the door cannot be opened. Those who really need to come later. If there is a call for help outside the door, you need to call the police, and not try to solve the problem yourself.

You can not use medications without adult supervisionA headache, a stomach ache – it's better to call your parents and find out what pills you can take.

Even better – contact mom or dad and wait for their arrival. If the parents cannot understand the cause of the malaise on their own, they will call a doctor, he will prescribe the necessary medications. Taking medications on your own is life-threatening.

You can not open the window wide open and lean outEven if you live on the ground floor and there is soft green grass or a neighbor's flower bed under the window.

You can break an arm, a leg, get a concussion. If the child is small, it is better to install special limiters on the windows in advance.

Do not leave the gas or electric stove unattendedIt's great when children are accustomed to independence, they know how to warm up and cook a simple dish.

But it is necessary to remind about the correct handling of electric and gas appliances. If they are cooking, you should not be distracted by gadgets or TV. Cooked, turned off the gas under the pan, turned the knob under the burner on the electric stove, checked again, and only then get distracted by your business.

It is necessary to know emergency phone numbers by heartWhere to call in case of fire, gas leak, if you need emergency medical care?

The child should know the phone numbers of the services by heart – in a stressful situation, a notebook with important numbers can not be found. Let him learn them better, and they will never come in handy.

The rules of safety at school and at home of the child should be taught gradually, from a young age, giving them in a playful way, gradually complicating. It is important not to overdo it, leaving the baby a sense of stability and security.How to introduce rules into a child's life without compromising his psychological and physiological health, see our video: .


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August 25, 2021 2022-11-26 2021-08-25 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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