How to choose a school for a child: 5 tips for parents

How to choose a school for a child: 5 tips for parents - Interesting, Education, Preparation for school

Choosing a school is an important stage in a child's life. He will get his first knowledge here, an idea of the world around him, learn how to build relationships in society. When should parents start thinking about how to choose a school for a child: from the birth of a baby or a couple of days before writing an application? And what points should be taken into account? The article contains tips that will help you make the right choice. Choosing a school: 5 tips for parents

Find out which schools are nearby.

  1. Study the information about the school on the Internet.
  2. Visit the selected school.
  3. Collect reviews about the school, get to know the teachers.
  4. Weigh your strengths and capabilities of the child.

Find out which schools are nearbyShould I send my child to school across the street from home or take him to a gymnasium on the other side of the city?

Sometimes the location of an educational institution plays a crucial role. Wake up the child two hours earlier every morning, take the sleepy one in a crowded minibus, and in the evening take time off from work to pick up, bring home and do homework. Or choose a school not far from home? The answer is obvious: the health and normal psychological state of the child is more important.

Especially when it comes to primary school, when the child is just adapting to new conditions. Another thing is if there are no suitable schools nearby, but there are on the way to work, and you can drive and pick up.

Study the information about the school on the InternetRead about the school: which teachers work, the average grade of students, whether there are excellent students, medalists, winners of competitions, whether Olympiads are held, whether the school participates in international programs.

Find out about the availability of clubs, sections, extended day groups. Such nuances form a complete picture of the educational process, the school.

The right choice of school

Visit the selected schoolThe school is conveniently located, good rating and reviews on the Internet?

Visit an educational institution, walk around the territory, see if it will be convenient for a child to walk, play, or if there are dangerous places nearby. If the child is engaged in football, volleyball – the presence of specially equipped playgrounds, a stadium. Find out if the educational institution is guarded, what kind of school canteen and meals. Evaluate the technical condition: repair, equipment of computer classes. This information can be obtained from the administration, or during the Open Day.

Collect reviews, get to know the teachersSurely you have friends whose children already attend this school.

Ask them to tell you about the learning process, teachers, pros and cons of the educational institution. But remember, this is a subjective opinion – what friends like may not suit you and vice versa. Meet the teachers. A sign of a strong school is teachers who do not hold on to the old methods of education, are open to changes, it is important not only to give them knowledge, but also to establish normal relations with students. A good teacher charges with enthusiasm, instills love for the subject. 

And about whether it is possible to raise a genius child or it is a natural gift, read the article: "How to raise a genius: 10 tips for parents."Weigh your strengths and capabilities of the child

Most parents have great hopes for their son or daughter and, of course, they want the best.

This means that we need not just a school, but a gymnasium or a specialized educational institution with a mathematical bias, in-depth study of languages. Look at the child, objectively evaluate the abilities. Perhaps a complex program will not be possible, and an ordinary school is enough. Soberly assess your financial capabilities: will you be able to pay for education in a private institution, will it not become an unbearable burden for the whole family? 

School for first graders

How to choose an elementary schoolThe choice of primary school is important, because the child will spend the first four years of education here, get the first knowledge, adapt to the process.


The elementary school occupies an entire wing with a separate entrance, or is located in another building, closed to high school students, classes are located on the first and second floors. This is done for the safety of young schoolchildren. They have their own locker room, they move around the school accompanied by a teacher. In some schools there is a full–day group: in the first grade, kids have a special routine - a quiet hour like in kindergarten, walks at the big break. Parents can pick up children at the end of the day, and not immediately after lessons. Choosing a school, find out these nuances, note the presence of important ones for yourself and the child. 

If there is no one to meet the baby from school, specify the presence of an extended day group or the possibility to leave the child with the teacher to do homework until the end of the working day. 

Should a child be scolded for poor grades, or can success in the future not be judged by school performance? Read the article: "Losers and excellent students: what is the difference and who is more successful". The first teacher at school

There is an opinion that when choosing an elementary school, parents "go to a teacher" – they choose a teacher, not a school.

There is a rational grain in this: the first teacher is the first impression of a future first grader. The future teacher should like the child. Only then will he go to school with pleasure and quickly get used to the new conditions. 

Parents can teach a child not to be afraid of difficulties and easily finish what they started. Learn how to do this at Dmitry Karpachev's free online master class "What every Parent should know".The most important thing is that the best school and the right first teacher will not replace the child's parents.

Support him, help him, praise him, don't reduce communication to homework, don't scold him if something doesn't work out - it's better to help him figure it out. Then the process of learning and getting used to school will be easy, without quarrels and conflicts.

About how to properly help a child do homework, see Dmitry Karpachev's video: "How to help a child do homework. What's more important than grades?"The images are taken from the source:

August 31, 2021 2022-11-26 2021-08-31 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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