Harmonious development and upbringing of the child

Harmonious development and upbringing of a child - Interesting, Psychology, Behavior, Upbringing

The connection between the social, emotional, cognitive and academic development of toddlers, as well as their physical and mental health is very important. The harmonious upbringing of children consists of a full range of such needs. It allows you to fully unlock the potential of a small personality. How to properly and comprehensively raise a child, read further in our article.Harmonious development of the child: what is it

The harmonious development of a child is a holistic upbringing that includes intellectual, spiritual and physical components.

A well-rounded personality learns to analyze thoughts and actions, control desires, draw conclusions and achieve goals in life.

Conditions of harmonious upbringingBy your own example, show that you enjoy what you do.

Devote your time to your favorite things. For the harmonious development of the child, it is recommended to form an understanding that much depends on the influence of the outside world, and you need to strive to improve your life yourself. A son or daughter should not be afraid to be alone with his thoughts and give this opportunity to other people. 

Also help children cope with anger, fear or anxiety. This will teach you to look at different situations from the positive side.

Life without comparisonsComparing your child's academic or extracurricular achievements with others turns into serious stress for him.

Honestly and specifically tell each of your children about their individual strengths and skills that everyone should strive for, but do not compare them for motivation.

Work and family life balanceIt's not easy to balance work and home life.

But the way you do it significantly affects your relationship with your family. Maintaining a balance between professional realization and caring for the household increases self-esteem, because you do not neglect your responsibilities in any area and feel more control over your life. Thus, you set an example to the younger generation and influence the harmonious upbringing of the child. 

Taking care of yourselfParents often forget about themselves, devoting all their time to taking care of children.

In the end, you may feel unhappy and offended, and you will not be able to provide your child with the necessary support. Honestly admit that you have your own feelings and needs. Pampering yourself from time to time is not selfish! It doesn't have to be expensive, but it's very important to take the time to do what you want. Even if it's only 10 minutes a day.

DisciplineDon't think of discipline as punishment.

Use it as a way to teach children to meet their needs without hurting or offending anyone. Harmonious upbringing of a child helps to develop a calm and fair personality. 

If you want to know what you need to pay attention to when raising a little person, read the article: "What influences the formation of a child's character."Setting boundaries

We often use borders to protect children from harm or danger.

Explain why there are limits, and do not give ultimatum orders. For example, if you take your child away from an open fire, explain why. Children may be reluctant to follow instructions if parents behave categorically. Explaining your actions will help the child understand the reason and cooperate with you more willingly.

The basics of harmonious education

ConnectionCommunication is important in both good and hard times.

Comprehensive and harmonious upbringing provides for the development of empathy for loved ones. It is often difficult for children to express feelings in words, but it is important to know that parents listen to them. Talk about yourself — not only about your problems, but also about your daily life. If children feel involved in what you are doing, they are more likely to see their and your value. 

To understand how to help your son or daughter cope with life's difficulties, read the article: "How to develop logical thinking in a child."Quality time

Try to organize a joint vacation with the whole family.

For example, you can have family dinners three times a week. This will give you the opportunity to chat and discuss interesting and important topics. Ask your son or daughter to help around the house or run errands. They will feel included in family life, and not outside observers.

Joint solutions It's normal for a child to check the limits of the parents' boundaries to see what he can get away with.

For the harmonious upbringing of children, you will have to adapt as they grow up. It is advisable to discuss new boundaries as you get older. Do not forget that it is difficult to comply with too many restrictions, so we recommend determining which limits are really important for the safety of the child, and which boundaries are not worth fighting for.

ConsolationConstant presence, communication and mutual support are important for the family.

If a tragedy has occurred or someone has a problem, unity will become a reliable support. At this time, children will need your help, it is important to be open to communication with them.

Shared time with your partnerWhen you have children, it is often difficult to find time for just two, but it is necessary to do it.

After all, children learn to build relationships by the example of their parents. Make sure that you regularly communicate with your partner on important and everyday topics, as well as about trifles and household trifles. Try to organize joint classes in a couple, whether it's lunch or just relaxing in front of the TV.

Sincere apologiesWas there a conflict situation?

If you force an angry child to apologize immediately, it will lead to aggression and negativity. Better let it cool down first. Then talk to him about why an unpleasant situation occurred, tell him how to make amends. For example, doing good deeds, putting away your sister's toys or writing a nice note to your brother. 

Mutual assistance in the familyIf your children quarrel every time they start doing homework or playing a game, analyze your expectations about their behavior with them.

Help them develop and use communication and conflict resolution skills.

Physical activityHarmonious development also includes the physical aspect.

Regular physical activity is useful at any age. Make sure that your children spend enough time outdoors, play outdoor games or go to the sports section. 

And do not forget that the basis of a harmonious upbringing of a child is your love, personal example and patience.

To find out what difficulties a son or daughter should overcome in adulthood, and how to help them do it, we recommend watching the video: "How to raise a successful child. Rules for parents". The images are taken from: pexels.com

October 15th, 2021 2022-11-26 2021-10-15 Rate the article on a 5-point scale Did you like the article? Share it on social networks

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